Man I'm Disappointed!


Sinister Swede
I am just so disappointed right now.

A while ago I was in one of those Mayan stores, you know the ones that litter every street corner, and I saw the most perfect little apocalypse which I just needed to buy. I've never really bought or tried one before, but honestly I just felt compelled to buy this one. There was also the huge bonus that it was set to go off on the 21st of December, and I thought that it would just make the most adorable early Christmas present for my brother.

But now it's past midnight and still nothing has happened. Such shoddy workmanship! I had heard that the Mayans were the best at making good apocalypses (apocalypti?), but whoever got that idea must've been drunk. And who want's to bet that the Mayans don't have a return policy for several thousand year old apocalypses?


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
LOL! Maybe it has to be Midnight in the Land of the Maya first? :smiley-laughing024:


Well Known GateFan
Yes clearly -the end of the world will happen according to American Time Zones its just a question of Eastern, Central, Mountain or Pacific:encouragement:
--- merged: Dec 20, 2012 at 5:54 PM ---
Tomorrow I am half expecting to read the news stories of suicides of all the disappointed and those who may have been "trickstered" out of their money.

I am a person who all to well remembers the happenings of Jonesboro and the "halle bopp" cultists-the Branch Davidians, etc, etc--all ppl who called it quits because their fantasy's didn't happen. Therefore I will only be surprised if nothing happens tomorrow


Well Known GateFan
Well, the power did go out during a raucous storm in the middle of the night last night -- but it was like 3:30am so it's not like it mattered much to me. I noticed cuz my lil' heater had stopped and I couldn't turn any lights on or see any clocks other than my cell phone, so I just buried myself deeper under the down comforter and fell back into a fevered sleep. When I awoke the electricity was back on and the world was still here...which sucks cuz now I gotta go outside and shovel snow. :moody:


Sinister Swede
Well, the power did go out during a raucous storm in the middle of the night last night -- but it was like 3:30am so it's not like it mattered much to me. I noticed cuz my lil' heater had stopped and I couldn't turn any lights on or see any clocks other than my cell phone, so I just buried myself deeper under the down comforter and fell back into a fevered sleep. When I awoke the electricity was back on and the world was still here...which sucks cuz now I gotta go outside and shovel snow. :moody:

I know your pain brother. I've had to shovel snow every day for the last two weeks or so over here. :jaded:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
On a good note: now there will be a fire sale on survival pods and noah' arks for the kids to play in. 50-75% off :encouragement:

Mega rep for that! Im so mad....some Doomsday. :anim_59:


Well Known GateFan
you wait, some kook is going to say the calc' s are off by a year or something

did you see where China "temporarily arrested" hundreds of crazies for causing apocalypse frenzy? funny

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
It's cold here tonight, so, something MUST be going on. Can you believe I had to wear a jacket and shoes?!?


Well Known GateFan
It's cold here tonight, so, something MUST be going on. Can you believe I had to wear a jacket and shoes?!?
it snowing here-in PA of all places
first time in 2 seasons we have had any signif snow in this part of PA


Well Known GateFan
It's cold here tonight, so, something MUST be going on. Can you believe I had to wear a jacket and shoes?!?

I noticed you conveniently left out any mention of pants or even shorts... :daniel_new004:

I assume by now your wife is on a first name basis with the folks at a local bail bonds company down there. ;)

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I noticed you conveniently left out any mention of pants or even shorts... :daniel_new004:

I assume by now your wife is on a first name basis with the folks at a local bail bonds company down there. ;)

What's the point of giving it a name if you don't take it out for a walk and some fresh air every so often?


Well Known GateFan
I am just so disappointed right now.

A while ago I was in one of those Mayan stores, you know the ones that litter every street corner, and I saw the most perfect little apocalypse which I just needed to buy. I've never really bought or tried one before, but honestly I just felt compelled to buy this one. There was also the huge bonus that it was set to go off on the 21st of December, and I thought that it would just make the most adorable early Christmas present for my brother.

But now it's past midnight and still nothing has happened. Such shoddy workmanship! I had heard that the Mayans were the best at making good apocalypses (apocalypti?), but whoever got that idea must've been drunk. And who want's to bet that the Mayans don't have a return policy for several thousand year old apocalypses?


Maybe they were betting on the apocalypse actually happening so that they wouldn't have to worry about it going off.


GateFans Cadet
I want 500,000 rep points IMMEDIATELY or I will detonate New Caprica and the Eye of Jupiter Temple and Bob Dylan for writing that song.

somebody man up


Well Known GateFan
I want 500,000 rep points IMMEDIATELY or I will detonate New Caprica and the Eye of Jupiter Temple and Bob Dylan for writing that song.

somebody man up

By your command :cylon-pancarte04::shep_lol:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I want 500,000 rep points IMMEDIATELY or I will detonate New Caprica and the Eye of Jupiter Temple and Bob Dylan for writing that song.

somebody man up

If you add the word "not" between "will" and "detonate" you might stir up some motivation. :icon_lol: