Life Of Pi


My avatar speaks for itself.
i just had the privlige of seeing it and wow it its truly a buetyfull and moving film most deserving of all the praise it has been getting along with those 4 Oscars..

if there is 1 movie to watch this year imo it IS this one, im seriously still catching my breath from watching it.. i havnt seen many movies or anything that had me manifest such an emotional responce as some scenes in this movie did since i was but 5 or 6 crying my eyes out at the end of E.T, im not saying i bauled my eyes out here but i did have a lump in my throat and misty eyes more then one time watching this if you can believe that as it is ME afterall :rolleyes:

anyway this movie is a MASTERPIECE and should be seen by everyone also to further verify my like for this picture i will tell you this it is the first movie i will BUY and legitimetly own in more then 10 years, i almost feel guilty for downloading it as good as it is.
--- merged: Feb 28, 2013 at 5:00 PM ---



Well Known GateFan
I hear the CGI is really good in this one. No doubt you would appreciate that but I admit I didn't know you were such a softy when it came to the actual content of the story. I guess we learn something new every day. :)

Also, apropos of nothing, I'll just leave this right here: :ronnon_whistling:


Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I hear the CGI is really good in this one. No doubt you would appreciate that but I admit I didn't know you were such a softy when it came to the actual content of the story. I guess we learn something new every day. :)

Also, apropos of nothing, I'll just leave this right here: :ronnon_whistling:




My avatar speaks for itself.
I hear the CGI is really good in this one. No doubt you would appreciate that but I admit I didn't know you were such a softy when it came to the actual content of the story. I guess we learn something new every day. :)

Also, apropos of nothing, I'll just leave this right here: :ronnon_whistling:
i didnt expect to be moved by it at all but i def was hence why imo its good, look forward to hearing what you think when/if you get a chance to see it.

and yep the cg is pretty bad ass.


Well Known GateFan
haha, I recommended this when it came out. Visuals were pretty damn stunning, but I really liked the story too, was sorta cast away-ish but more adventure-ish and visually more appealing.


Well Known GateFan
i didnt expect to be moved by it at all but i def was hence why imo its good, look forward to hearing what you think when/if you get a chance to see it.

and yep the cg is pretty bad ass.

From what I understand of the book it's typical allegorical hogwash; the kind of shit that Oprah gushes about. But, like I said, I heard that the movie is visually stunning. Ang Lee does good work generally so that is definitely a reason to give it a chance.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
OH WOW.......this is indeed a masterpiece. What an unexpected, beautiful surprise.....just WOW.

This is a must see....but do it when you are relaxed and stress free. It will move you deeply. :)


My avatar speaks for itself.
OH WOW.......this is indeed a masterpiece. What an unexpected, beautiful surprise.....just WOW.

This is a must see....but do it when you are relaxed and stress free. It will move you deeply. :)
told ya! now if all movies managed to do this shit eh? really puts a perspective on how shitty 99% of all movie stories are as this simple story is able to grab ya even tho its a guy and a bengal tiger on a small boat for most of the movie...
--- merged: Mar 7, 2013 at 9:59 AM ---
but ya deserving of the Oscars it got agreed?


Sinister Swede
So you're both praising it now, huh? Guess I'll be checking out then as well since it's probably not complete BS if both of you enjoyed it. Not tonight though, since I'm gonna watch Cloud Atlas for the second time with a friend (first time for him).


My avatar speaks for itself.
So you're both praising it now, huh? Guess I'll be checking out then as well since it's probably not complete BS if both you enjoyed it. Not tonight though, since I'm gonna watch Cloud Atlas for the second time with a friend (first time for him).
indeed, for future note if *I* ever praise a movie like this then trust me it does have that special "something" about it and its worth the watch for sure as i am generally a hard mofo to please.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
told ya! now if all movies managed to do this shit eh? really puts a perspective on how shitty 99% of all movie stories are as this simple story is able to grab ya even tho its a guy and a bengal tiger on a small boat for most of the movie...
--- merged: Mar 7, 2013 at 9:59 AM ---
but ya deserving of the Oscars it got agreed?

It was so utterly moving, I almost teared up in parts :) The Bengal was like a big kitty cat, and the visuals of the movie were just...WOW. It def deserved the Oscars it got. I would PAY to see this in a theater. I wish it had a 3D version!


My avatar speaks for itself.
It was so utterly moving, I almost teared up in parts :) The Bengal was like a big kitty cat, and the visuals of the movie were just...WOW. It def deserved the Oscars it got. I would PAY to see this in a theater. I wish it had a 3D version!
i had the same exact responce with the lump in the throat and borderline teared up, i supose both you and me being Cat people could be somehow related but it doesnt change the fact that it is a GREAT movie. i thought they did have a 3d version of it?

but ya, cool that we both enjoyed it as much as we did, possible gatfans rewatch material in the near future?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
So you're both praising it now, huh? Guess I'll be checking out then as well since it's probably not complete BS if both of you enjoyed it. Not tonight though, since I'm gonna watch Cloud Atlas for the second time with a friend (first time for him).

Considering how hard it is to please OMNI, when he raved about it that made me want to see it and I am glad I did. I was stunned by it. It was such an unexpected experience, and it spoke to the part of my brain that is usually reserved to appreciating art or sunsets or particularly clear starry nights. It was GENUINE visual appeal, not contrived like Avatar. The real deal.
--- merged: Mar 7, 2013 at 10:53 AM ---
i had the same exact responce with the lump in the throat and borderline teared up, i supose both you and me being Cat people could be somehow related but it doesnt change the fact that it is a GREAT movie. i thought they did have a 3d version of it?

but ya, cool that we both enjoyed it as much as we did, possible gatfans rewatch material in the near future?

Most definitely. :)


My avatar speaks for itself.
Considering how hard it is to please OMNI, when he raved about it that made me want to see it and I am glad I did. I was stunned by it. It was such an unexpected experience, and it spoke to the part of my brain that is usually reserved to appreciating art or sunsets or particularly clear starry nights. It was GENUINE visual appeal, not contrived like Avatar. The real deal.
agreed i found it to be exactly that ie an "unexpected experience" i went in expecting a shitty cast away snore fest, and yes YES the real deal not what avatar attempted to do and failed miserably in.
--- merged: Mar 7, 2013 at 10:57 AM ---
Most definitely. :)
i'll be sure to be around for that one!


Well Known GateFan
indeed, for future note if *I* ever praise a movie like this then trust me it does have that special "something" about it and its worth the watch for sure as i am generally a hard mofo to please.

Listen Liberace, if I wanted to masturbate to posts by women gushing about flowers and kittens and how their vaginas stream pure silk once a month like clockwork I'd hang out at GateWorld. Now go dig through your girlfriend's purse, find your balls and reattach them. :daniel01:


My avatar speaks for itself.
Listen Liberace, if I wanted to masturbate to posts by women gushing about flowers and kittens and how their vaginas stream pure silk once a month like clockwork I'd hang out at GateWorld. Now go dig through your girlfriend's purse, find your balls and reattach them. :daniel01:
*teabags Shavedape* :GFbitchplease:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Listen Liberace, if I wanted to masturbate to posts by women gushing about flowers and kittens and how their vaginas stream pure silk once a month like clockwork I'd hang out at GateWorld. Now go dig through your girlfriend's purse, find your balls and reattach them. :daniel01:
*teabags Shavedape* :GFbitchplease:

*Fadonks shavedape*

Watch the damned movie Ape! That Bengal is no kitten, even though he acts like one. Its not just the characters, its the EXPERIENCE. Words in these posts cannot do this movie justice, trust me.