Why do new producers think they can take artistic license with iconic ships like the Millenium Falcon or the Enterprise? Dont tbhey know that some enthusiastic fans actually pay attention to details and get upset when those details are changed? In the original series, fans caught scenes where the Enterprise would be flying in from the right or left and the window patterns on the saucer section would give it away if they simply flipped the images in reverse to give the illusion that the ship was moving in one direction or the other. They had to then make sure they turned the ship and filmed it ACTUALLY going the other direction.
The sliders on the transporter panel had to be slid down when beaming down and up when beaming up. That was missed too. In TNG, more than a few fans knew the difference between a medical tricorder and a standard one.
Having said that, why would the Starfleet ship builders design swoopy curved lighted "sport lines" on the Enterprise, and have curved nacelle pylons? I will be glad to see it go. It was like seeing spoilers on an aircraft carrier to me.