His writing crew that almost always collaborates with him is partially to blame. They're all hipsters. I hate hipsters so much. Buncha pseudo-nerds. Like pseudoscience is to science.
JJ, Orci, Kurzman and everyone around them are hipsters.
His writing crew that almost always collaborates with him is partially to blame. They're all hipsters. I hate hipsters so much. Buncha pseudo-nerds. Like pseudoscience is to science.
Especially Lindelof.
I try to just forget Star Trek Into Darkness was ever made. Basically they deep sixed with me all the goodwill they had from Star Trek 09.
Into Darkness wasn't just not Trek, it wasn't even a good action film. Incoherent plot, bizarre story elements that just did not tie together, a reveal on the villain that actually hurt rather than helped the story and so on. The main cast gave good performances again (and again Karl Urban nailed McCoy) but nothing could save this mess.
Umm........... TOS had flip communicators, they are probably what inspired our creation of them.
Umm........... TOS had flip communicators, they are probably what inspired our creation of them.
And every point but the last two goes back to WRITING.
It will be interesting to see how the new director and writers try to get things back on an even keel now that the three stooges are out of the picture. At least we gained some intel - if you see Orci, Kurtzman or especially Damon Lindelof with writer credits on a film just avoid it.
I suspect they would be compelled to use the good old fashioned "ignore it" trope. Just don't address it at all and act like it never happened. Otherwise if they try to expressly write the nonsense out they just open more cans of worms.
Remember those writers are gone as is Abrams. So we have no idea what this writing staff and director want. For all we know they dislike NuTrek just like you do. We literally have nothing to base assumptions on right now - too little data.
The big problem is not harm to the canon but rather illogical plot elements in Into Darkness. Curable Death was idiotic as were the other things you listed. And from those illogical elements you get to the core thing they produced - a big, dumb, incoherent film that really had no themes at all (despite the claims of Orci). 2009 had themes - duty, loyalty, the bond of friendship, the base idea that the future is brighter, working together to overcome the odds and so on. Into Darkness alas was dark, moody slop.
Stupid, lousy sack of shit. I just realized that Kirk's "Punch it!" also comes from Star Wars.
I hope JJ's Star Wars flops and ruins his career, finishing him off completely from the blockbuster business and relegating him to the B-movie bin.