It has a name: Star Trek: Into Darkness.


Well Known GateFan
The ep had nothing to do with the tech, it was about completing Picard's "journey". The ENTIRE pair of eps is AU.


Well Known GateFan


The Belle of the Ball
Ok must admit I have finally seen Star Trek into darkness and it wasn't as bad as I feared. if you go the alternate time line route and ignore peter weller also played the bad guy with the augments in the ENT ep - it was okay. I loved Uhura whipping spock a bit. :P the turnabout ending from wrath of khan was good. karl urban as mccoy is solid gold!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
This is funny as hell!!!!!


28. Star Trek references. 'The Mudd Incident,' making fun of McCoy's metaphors, Christine Chapel, "i once operated on a pregnant Gorn..." Klingon honor... I find it hard to believe Uhura knows everything there is to know about Klingon culture, but it's convenient to the plot, or should I say 'what happens next' since there is scarcely a plot here. Once again, it's like they're trying to remind us that we're watching Star Trek again. SEE SEE IT'S REALLY STAR TREK GUYS! SEE SEE!

29. If you didn't keep ripping off Star Wars, you wouldn't have to keep pointlessly referencing Star Trek. The Millennium Falcon that they just happen to have on board for no reason other than they want to make a new toy to sell (They must have learned that from George Lucas) flying in a scene stolen from Empire Strikes back (including sound effects), where the Falcon flies sideways to evade Tie-Fighters is not only obvious, the Star Wars references are getting annoying. This is Star Trek man, and if you didn't think it was Star Wars all this time, we wouldn't be having these fucking problems. The Klingon Darth Vader helmets are not a nice touch.

30. New Klingon facelift. Another new look for the Klingons? Jeez, just after we got done trying to explain the last one. I think Star Trek Fans are ready to give up on this one, because there literally is no explaining this one. (Especially now that they have pointy ears too).


33. Khan. Okay. Here's the big reveal we've all been waiting for. Or have we? He says that line as if Chris Pine and Quinto are supposed to react to it, it's way over-done. The problem is that not only should they not know who is obviously, it truly doesn't matter all to this story. He might as well have just been "the first genetically engineered Augment ever created" or something else, he's obviously not the Khan of Wrath of Khan, he certainly doesn't look or act or sound like him, he's just a british villain. This scene is there for a laugh? Why the hell would Spock ask Spock about it? There's no reason for him to be asking Old Spock who Khan is. It's only there so Nimoy can have a cameo, and verify to the audience that it is supposed to be in some deranged way the 'same' Ricardo Montelban Khan, which is ridiculous. If Nimoy had died before this movie had been filmed, they would not only not have gotten somebody to replace him, they wouldn't have even thought of having this scene in there, which doesn't make any sense at all.
34.Underwear scene. I don't get it. At the moment it takes place, it's actually confusing, because not only does the viewer have no idea why the hell they just walked aboard a shuttle, nor why she's changing, the next edit literally, the next shot, Kirk is on the Bridge... talking to Sulu. What? Huh? What the hell was that scene? What the hell was she doing? Why was she changing? Weren't they about to go somewhere...or something in that shuttle? Huh?


And my favorite:

44."This door is very wee." Yes, I know, I know, the Leprechaun from Lucky Charms uses that word all the time, it's that word those Scottish/Irish people invented... but I have to say, it's an adjective, and they don't speak like that with their sentences. But since Scotty is Scottish, well he must therefore say something "scottish" right? I wonder why Uhura isn't talking jive, and why Sulu doesn't talk by pronouncing his L's as R's in this movie too.


Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
They have such a great cast and Abrams is f**king it all up. My fear is that Abrams will screw up this iteration of the franchise beyond all recognition and we'll have another big pause followed by another reboot in the future at some point with yet another cast. Pity, because this crew was nearly perfect.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
This is funny as hell!!!!!




And my favorite:

View attachment 29380

Bro, that link is HILARIOUS!

38. "This man is 300 years old." Really Khan is from the 1950s? This really is a parallel universe.

41. Sulu says they're 237,000 kilometers from earth. Jeez, I guess it's a good thing they got knocked out of Warp Drive, because at that speed, I'm guessing they would have just plowed right through the planet...


Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Stupid, lousy sack of shit. I just realized that Kirk's "Punch it!" also comes from Star Wars.

I hope JJ's Star Wars flops and ruins his career, finishing him off completely from the blockbuster business and relegating him to the B-movie bin.


Well Known GateFan
His writing crew that almost always collaborates with him is partially to blame. They're all hipsters. I hate hipsters so much. Buncha pseudo-nerds. Like pseudoscience is to science.