Well Known GateFan
Yeah, it's Khan. You find out early on, too. Keep in mind this movie takes place a few years before season 1 of TOS and some 15 years before Wrath of Khan. You get a brief "oh, by the way" type of explanation of how and why he ended up here and now, so, Abrams doesn't leave you completely up shit's creek without an oar.
It looks like he wanted his own immortal "Wrath of Khan" movie but this one fails miserably and doesn't hit anywhere near the mark. I found the story stupid, the plot devises pointless and contrived and spent most of my time wondering why the f**k they didn't use technology already at their disposal to do certain things they took the long way around to do. It's difficult to disconnect and enjoy a story that totally ignores an established history, scientific and otherwise, including things as recent as the 2009 movie.
Their phasers are no longer phasers. The ship shoots light bolts, as do the hand weapons. The ship's "phasers" are no longer distinguishable from photon torpedoes.
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I'm watching ST II on Syfylys right now to help wash away the stink of this morning's ordeal.
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Bro, since it's pocket change to you, why not go see it? It's not a lot and it will lay some questions you have in mind to rest. You may like or you may find it as insulting to one's intelligence as I did. Either way, it'll be fun discussing it with someone else who's seen it.
so what's up with that other bigger ship in the trailer? excelsior class or some JJ machination?