In Advance of St Patrick's Day...


Council Member & Author
I'll be celebrating Bring Back the Snakes Day on Sunday, March 18th.


The Belle of the Ball
they have politicians so I think he missed a few snakes! ;)


The Belle of the Ball
I know...but I am not a snake person so the comparison stands IMHO. ;) but yeah...snakes do have a few good uses...they make a nice belt you know. :P


Council Member & Author
RAC, I used to have a 17 foot python who would have enjoyed (I think) "discussing" those belts with you.

For the Pagans out there, think of those "snakes" representing the Pagan people of Ireland. It was a common tactic at that time for the Church to repurpose Pagan gods and goddesses as saints to attempt to bring the "poor unfortunates" into the fold.