I Hate My Knee...


Council Member & Author
I've had an issue with my right knee for years where it sounds like a ratchet when I sit. Well, over the past few weeks, it's started giving me nasty-ass issues with my patella.

Had to bite the bullet and get a damned knee brace. It's sucks massive amounts of cheese.

Getting older sucks, ya know?


I've had an issue with my right knee for years where it sounds like a ratchet when I sit. Well, over the past few weeks, it's started giving me nasty-ass issues with my patella.

Had to bite the bullet and get a damned knee brace. It's sucks massive amounts of cheese.

Getting older sucks, ya know?

Try some Biofreeze or Neuragen Gel. My knees sound that way when walking, I can't sneak up on a glass of water.


Council Member & Author
I have some prescription stuff that I've been using, but I'll look into your suggestions, backstep. Whatever works to keep the pain at bay. o.O


I have some prescription stuff that I've been using, but I'll look into your suggestions, backstep. Whatever works to keep the pain at bay. o.O

The Neuragen is a nerve pain gel. While nothing stops all the pain, the Neuragen is an over the counter that truly helps. I have nerve damage.


Council Member & Author
The Neuragen is a nerve pain gel. While nothing stops all the pain, the Neuragen is an over the counter that truly helps. I have nerve damage.
I screwed up my knee years ago (I was still a teenager) when I was late for school and ran DOWNHILL to get there on time. I was too dumb to know what that kind of a pounding could/would do to me. Ah, the ignorance of youth. And now I'm paying for it. It's gotten worse in fits and starts. Initially, it was the way I could tell that we were in for a cold snap.


Then it went on to the ratchet thing when we moved into a townhouse (stairs, don'tcha know?) several years ago, and then, as I said, in the past few weeks, its graduated to near constant pain.

Ow. Ow!

I'll look for the Neuragen, backstep. Thanks very much.


Well Known GateFan
I've had an issue with my right knee for years where it sounds like a ratchet when I sit. Well, over the past few weeks, it's started giving me nasty-ass issues with my patella.

Had to bite the bullet and get a damned knee brace. It's sucks massive amounts of cheese.

Getting older sucks, ya know?

Celebrex works quite well, I have been taking it for years for my osteoarthritis for my neck ,hip, foot and shoulders

or (I don't have any) you could go with the latest conventional wisdom buzz:



Well Known GateFan
My right knee is in bad shape too. Been that way for a few years now. Have had two MRI's done on it and so far my doc says there's little he can do. In fact, I just saw him about a week ago for my final hip check up and since he's also my knee doc I mentioned how much it's been bothering me again. Right now he says surgery will be of little help so all I can do is keep up with the physical therapy exercises. Oh joy!

What sucks is that the issue doesn't seem to be with my meniscus. I almost wish it was because then they could go in and repair/remove it and I'd be much better. My mom had that surgery a couple years ago on her right knee and hasn't had a problem since getting it scoped. Was a simple, easy, in-and-out day surgery for her.

So Illiteratti, I don't know if you've been to a knee doc and/or have gotten an MRI yet for your knee, but if possible you should do so. The issue might be fixable. Or it might be manageable via PT exercises, etc. You might also have luck with the various injections they offer -- cortisone or hylagan (Synivisc). Admittedly I didn't have much luck with injections for the long term, but at least I know now that they don't work.

And if you don't want to bother with the doc then at least Google some simple, easy exercises for strengthening your quad muscles (search knee pain exercises and/or patella exercises). Supposedly these type of moves help to get the patella to track properly. I have had some success with doing patella exercises and it helps that they are very easy to do. Some you can do while you sit in a chair that's how easy they are. Example:

  • For isometric exercise of the quadriceps group, sit with your leg straight and supported (it works well to sit on the floor or a firm bed). Tighten your thigh muscles (quadriceps) for 10 seconds at a time. Then rest the muscles for a few seconds before tightening them again. Do this for 8 to 12 repetitions, several times a day. If this is uncomfortable in the front or back of your knee, try placing a rolled up washcloth or dishtowel under your knee. See the picture below.



Council Member & Author
Once I have medical, then I'll definitely be seeing the doctor about the knee. I'm looking forward to being able to actually see the doctor again without paying through the nose to have insurance.

Preexisting conditions suck, bigtime.


Well Known GateFan
Once I have medical, then I'll definitely be seeing the doctor about the knee. I'm looking forward to being able to actually see the doctor again without paying through the nose to have insurance.

Preexisting conditions suck, bigtime.

Don't want to go off into a big digression here but suffice to say I agree completely. The preexisting condition gimmick that insurance companies use to get out of coverage can't be gotten rid of soon enough. It's criminal that anyone has to suffer needlessly and endlessly because the system is so warped. And quite simply the cost of medical care is falsely high. Why is it that in Thailand you can get a 2-night stay in a hospital replete with MRI and CAT scan for the price that you would pay for a single MRI here? It's all a scam, pure and simple.

At any rate, fingers crossed that 2014 means you can get your knee looked at by a good knee specialist. No doubt they will put you thru the usual stuff like Xrays and an MRI and of course a round of physical therapy (they always make you do PT). It might be a long haul just to find out what's wrong and then to deal with it but at least you'll know exactly what the issue is and you'll have the ball rolling. With luck you will be able to get it fixed entirely and will be pain free.

Both my mom and my brother had knee surgery and are very happy now. Mom had meniscus tear repaired and feels great. Brother had knee replacement and now wishes he had it done years ago, that's how happy he is with it. You may not even need surgery and may find relief with PT or injections. Hopefully, whatever you have is treatable. :encouragement:


Once I have medical, then I'll definitely be seeing the doctor about the knee. I'm looking forward to being able to actually see the doctor again without paying through the nose to have insurance.

Preexisting conditions suck, bigtime.



Council Member & Author
Insurance companies have to be pissed off that they can't jack the price of coverage up to stratospheric levels on people like me anymore.

I'll cry for them as soon as I stop laughing my ass off.


Well Known GateFan
How much would it cost you with insurance Illit?
does it cover everything?


Well Known GateFan
And why oh why has a WOW player not made an Arrow to the Knee joke yet?


Insurance companies have to be pissed off that they can't jack the price of coverage up to stratospheric levels on people like me anymore.

I'll cry for them as soon as I stop laughing my ass off.

I haven't had insurance since my COBRA was up. Now I'm Backkkkkkkkk. :shep_lol: