Husband Convicted Of Manslaughter After Dutch Oven Goes "Horribly Wrong"

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
An all new level to SBD.
This is just too horrible. This poor woman and her husband are going to be the brunt of jokes until forever. :facepalm: Check this out:

They argued that Mr Flannery had miscalculated two crucial factors which led to the tragic outcome. The first being Mrs Flannery's military tucking in of the 600 weight cotton sheets when she made the bed that morning, which created a near airtight seal . Secondly, Mr Flannery had neglected to remember that he had attended a long business lunch at an Indian restaurant on Brick Lane that day, at which he had consumed a dozen onion Bajees, eight Poppadom, six Samosas, and an extra large beef Vindaloo with garlic naan, all washed down with 8 pints of Guinness beer. The resulting trapped wind, which he released within a 6 inch proximity of Mrs Flannery's face, came in at around 6 litres gas of 95% methane by volume.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
This is just too horrible. This poor woman and her husband are going to be the brunt of jokes until forever. :facepalm: Check this out:

They argued that Mr Flannery had miscalculated two crucial factors which led to the tragic outcome. The first being Mrs Flannery's military tucking in of the 600 weight cotton sheets when she made the bed that morning, which created a near airtight seal . Secondly, Mr Flannery had neglected to remember that he had attended a long business lunch at an Indian restaurant on Brick Lane that day, at which he had consumed a dozen onion Bajees, eight Poppadom, six Samosas, and an extra large beef Vindaloo with garlic naan, all washed down with 8 pints of Guinness beer. The resulting trapped wind, which he released within a 6 inch proximity of Mrs Flannery's face, came in at around 6 litres gas of 95% methane by volume.



Earl Grey
I am sorry but this reads like a story from the onion which is satirical news site. Funny no doubt, but I find it hard to believe. There is no way we produce that much methane.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
No one caught the disclaimer?

Please think of The Environment. Print out 50 copies of this page, on baby-seal-skin paper, then drive around in a diesel Humvee, towing 3 bigger Humvees, and a boat, littering copies out the window at nature reserves and other points of interest, before setting fire to a monk and barbequeing a couple of air-freighted whale steaks on his back, washed down with totally Unfair Trade coffee, while wearing child-labour made Nike shoes.


Well Known GateFan
Reading does not seem to be a strong suit..................