Holiday Plans!


The Belle of the Ball
I am not currently a happy camper. Hubby and I have enjoyed our "family" Christmases in Indiana since '87 (did a disasterous trip to N.E. that Christmas and vowed to only visit during the summer!) BUT this Christmas we are celebrating here on the 21st and leaving for Massachusetts the 22nd. Turns out my father-in-law has a LARGE storage unit no one knew about! He wants "the kids" to clean it out and divide up the furniture from the house , etc! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
It started last weekend when Mr. Rac's brothers were shocked that their father wanted all of the junk from the storage locker moved into the newly de-junked house! They said nope and so everyone is converging on Massachusetts to divide the furniture, knick nacks, and other crap (and no mr rac will NOT be bringing their burnt orange Italian Leather living room furniture here- it is butter soft leather, sits like a dream, BUT....UGLY AS HECK!) and getting the house ready for sale. What a way to spend the holidays! I wish he could have gotten ill in the summer- oh yeah he was ill but no one noticed! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! so after the 21st I won't be around until the 6th or 7th! What a lovely holiday season. mr Rac is really going to have to make up for this one! (Hawaii??? ;) ) just wanted to let everyone know- so if I seem as moody as some of the notoriously moody ones, you'll understand! :)


Well Known GateFan
Happy Hanukkah!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I am not currently a happy camper. Hubby and I have enjoyed our "family" Christmases in Indiana since '87 (did a disasterous trip to N.E. that Christmas and vowed to only visit during the summer!) BUT this Christmas we are celebrating here on the 21st and leaving for Massachusetts the 22nd. Turns out my father-in-law has a LARGE storage unit no one knew about! He wants "the kids" to clean it out and divide up the furniture from the house , etc! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
It started last weekend when Mr. Rac's brothers were shocked that their father wanted all of the junk from the storage locker moved into the newly de-junked house! They said nope and so everyone is converging on Massachusetts to divide the furniture, knick nacks, and other crap (and no mr rac will NOT be bringing their burnt orange Italian Leather living room furniture here- it is butter soft leather, sits like a dream, BUT....UGLY AS HECK!) and getting the house ready for sale. What a way to spend the holidays! I wish he could have gotten ill in the summer- oh yeah he was ill but no one noticed! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! so after the 21st I won't be around until the 6th or 7th! What a lovely holiday season. mr Rac is really going to have to make up for this one! (Hawaii??? ;) ) just wanted to let everyone know- so if I seem as moody as some of the notoriously moody ones, you'll understand! :)

Sounds like fun! Im sure you will find something in there you love and forgot about. :) I am with you on the burnt orange leather. LOL! At least you are getting the real thing. I find the very existence of this thing sad:



The Belle of the Ball
LOL no "fake " books but we do have over 50+ years of electrical engineering journals. three different journals to get rid of! Not to mention bookcases full of textbooks and other crap! My father-in-law wanted us to give them to a school or library but that stuff is all online these days- no use for fading old journals the mice have chewed on! :P

I know I see rather sulky about this but in the past 25 years we have developed our own "family" here= people we spend the day after christmas with, others with whom we enjoy meals or dinner parties over the holiday period, it's a fun and relaxed time for us. spending time with the inlaws from hell is never fun- just ruins my holiday spirit! Also my allergies (to dust, molds , etc) are going to ahve a field day. We are staying in a nice hotel - a Residence Inn (by Marriott Naturally!;)) a couple towns away for privacy and the ability to "get away" from the family! :P


Well Known GateFan
Sounds like fun! Im sure you will find something in there you love and forgot about. :) I am with you on the burnt orange leather. LOL! At least you are getting the real thing. I find the very existence of this thing sad:

View attachment 27618

That's just so wrong on so many levels. I can't imagine anyone would actually pay money for such a monstrosity let alone display it in their house.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
That's just so wrong on so many levels. I can't imagine anyone would actually pay money for such a monstrosity let alone display it in their house.

OMG, can you imagine somebody going to grab that big pretty red book (probably a child), only to have the entire stack come off the floor in a single piece, then having to explain it? I dont think I could get over that. I would harass the person with it for years. :anim_59: Every few months or so, I would be like "read any good books lately?"