Hey, Gatefan, Is This True?


Council Member & Author
(An Australian teacher explains on Reddit how he rescued a kitten. I'm asking about the final statement in this discussion)

Proggal Professor Brian Fitz-Pusse used to do this when he was a few weeks old. Rescued him (literally) from some kids trying to get to him and kill him at the highschool I worked at.

Fremdsprache What the fuck

Proggal Stray cats live in the ceilings and around the school. The Prof fell from a hole in the ceiling and ended up behind a big, metal cupboard where he cried and cried. The toads that were my year 10 class decided he had to die (I didn't doubt it, I'd seen them corner and kill a bungarra before) and I decided they could all go pick up rubbish while got help to rescue him.

Tlingit_Raven Oh, you're Australian. Suddenly it makes sense.

MasterFasth And I thought Australians were lovely people :(

Psysk Some of them are but almost all kids are <censored> so theres that.

batfiend Sorry, no. Being Australian doesn't give you an excuse to be feral. Those kids are just little <censored>.

WaterStoryMark Stray cats live in the ceilings... Freaking awesome.

rsixidor Everything is trying to kill you in Australia, even the children.


Well Known GateFan

Which part?
If these kids were trying to kill a Bungarra, they are in Western Australia, and even using that name would make me think that these would quite possibly be Aboriginal kids. Are they "feral"? well, some are but Mrs GF had feral kids over this side of the country as well and they were not Aboriginal. If you are talking about shit just trying to kill you, WA has more of the species that can kill you outright, but here is the thing, Most of these animals are not especially aggressive unless you invade their space. We have these:

That live around my house, and for the most part, you just leave them alone, and they leave you alone.
To be honest, that last line sounds like the standard "twisted Aussie pride" we seem to have for living around such dangerous creatures :P


Council Member & Author
She's in a funky mood right now. She's going through cancer treatments and it's had an odd effect on her.


Well Known GateFan
Ahh, I see.
Wish her the best from back home then :)


Council Member & Author
She said to tell you that most of her family is in and around Ipswich, and her Mum was born in Dalby.


Well Known GateFan
Aren't most children by nature feral? :daniel_new004:


Well Known GateFan
Aren't most children by nature feral? :daniel_new004:

Well, that depends on how much you medicate them, doesn't it :lol:

They have their feral stages, sure, but most kids just need a good clip around the ears IMHO :lol:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member

Which part?
If these kids were trying to kill a Bungarra, they are in Western Australia, and even using that name would make me think that these would quite possibly be Aboriginal kids. Are they "feral"? well, some are but Mrs GF had feral kids over this side of the country as well and they were not Aboriginal. If you are talking about shit just trying to kill you, WA has more of the species that can kill you outright, but here is the thing, Most of these animals are not especially aggressive unless you invade their space. We have these:

That live around my house, and for the most part, you just leave them alone, and they leave you alone.
To be honest, that last line sounds like the standard "twisted Aussie pride" we seem to have for living around such dangerous creatures :P

Isn't that the spider with a strong enough bite to pierce a toe nail?