Hey boys and girls!


Council Member
Hi all, I'm back!

Sorry for being MIA for so long - personal life in shambles like it's been through a wringer and a small family crisis; but I'm back. :)


Well Known GateFan

I've been meaning to message you to find out where you've been. Glad you're back. You've been missed. ;)

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Welcome back, bro. The gang has been wondering where you've been.


The Belle of the Ball
Welcome back! did ya see all of the cute and funky smilies OM1 got us? :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Welcome back! did ya see all of the cute and funky smilies OM1 got us? :)

Speaking of which, I really want that little smilie you use that is going around in circles having a fit. :) Can you find it? I will add it to our collection. Also, I am going to either remove or modify the ones saying "Save Atlantis", and stuff like that.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Thanks sexy! ;)

How are ya?

Well, buddy, you have already gotten my embarassingly jubilant PM. :) Hugs again! Yeah, the lifting off the ground spinning around one. :beguiled:



Council Member & Author
Welcome back, Trop! I'm tickled silly to see you here! I hope that things are calming down for you (as opposed to calming up, of course).

/hugs to you!


You were gone? Go figure.

Just kidding. :P Good to see ya buddy.