Here is a fine example of stupid at its best ... Quebec

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member

So, the french language police in Quebec went overboard investigating a "complaint" by a citizen that the English word "pasta" was on a menu instead of its french equivalent at a famous Montreal hotspot.

For once, there was backlash and they actually backed off.

Quebec is racist, bigoted, isolationist, backward and xenophobic. The "french" speaking zealots in Quebec refuse to learn any other language but their own, going so far as to legislate mandatory french-only schools for children whose parents did not attend English school, and find themselves totally isolated from the world, thinking the world should conform to them.

And they wonder why no major corporations have head offices there, tourism is dead and talent & money leaves the province in droves.

Quebec takes 1st place for stupid in North America. Yeah, even the US and the rest of Canada don't come anywhere close that level of stupid.


The Belle of the Ball
HEY!! be nice. All of the illegal aliens I knew as teen spoke french. During the Quebecois(or however it was spelled) movement of the 70's, a lot of people said to hell with it all and came to Maine. just hop on a logging road and there are no border crossing stops at all! :P Now those roads are used by drug and cigarette smugglers. :P

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
HEY!! be nice. All of the illegal aliens I knew as teen spoke french. During the Quebecois(or however it was spelled) movement of the 70's, a lot of people said to hell with it all and came to Maine. just hop on a logging road and there are no border crossing stops at all! :P Now those roads are used by drug and cigarette smugglers. :P

Not all Quebecers are stupid, just the hardliners who choose ignorance over education and acknowledging there's a world outside of Quebec. I may have mentioned this once a while ago, but, I witnessed a couple form Quebec next to me demanding service in French at Ft Lauderdale airport, to which I burst out in laughter quite loudly.

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan tongue troopers backtrack Buonanotte menu/7995779/story.html

So, the french language police in Quebec went overboard investigating a "complaint" by a citizen that the English word "pasta" was on a menu instead of its french equivalent at a famous Montreal hotspot.

For once, there was backlash and they actually backed off.

Quebec is racist, bigoted, isolationist, backward and xenophobic. The "french" speaking zealots in Quebec refuse to learn any other language but their own, going so far as to legislate mandatory french-only schools for children whose parents did not attend English school, and find themselves totally isolated from the world, thinking the world should conform to them.

And they wonder why no major corporations have head offices there, tourism is dead and talent & money leaves the province in droves.

Quebec takes 1st place for stupid in North America. Yeah, even the US and the rest of Canada don't come anywhere close that level of stupid.

So, how long have you been a secret admirer of Mark Steyn?


Sinister Swede
How's the Bloc Québécois doing up there? Still going strong I assume, judging from your complaints?

Or is it Parti Québécois on the provincial level? I forget...

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
How's the Bloc Québécois doing up there? Still going strong I assume, judging from your complaints?

Or is it Parti Québécois on the provincial level? I forget...

The Bloc is dead. They lost ALL their seats to the NDP. They don't exist anymore. It was the only Federal party whose entire mandate was to block all federal policy making and promote Quebec interests at the federal level. It pissed off far too many people across the country for many reasons, among which they all took a federal salary for having a seat in federal parliament purely to serve their own interests.

The provincial party in Quebec is the Parti Quebecois. They won the last election by fluke but they're a minority government, which means they're completely castrated. The only reason they haven't been subjected to a non-confidence vote to force an election is because the leader of the opposition retired and they currently have no leader.
--- merged: Feb 21, 2013 at 12:34 PM ---
So, how long have you been a secret admirer of Mark Steyn?

Never followed any of his work.


Well Known GateFan
Hope this came out right:

Sucez mes boules parlantes anglaises, vous les bâtards français

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Hope this came out right:

Sucez mes boules parlantes anglaises, vous les bâtards français

Kind of. :icon_lol:

Sucez mes couilles anglaises, especes de batards francais!

They actually use the word "boule" as slang for boobs. Unless that's what you meant. :icon_lol:

Except they're not really french. They like to pretend they are but what they speak is hardly considered french. I like to compare what they speak to what you'd expect to hear from a brain damaged rock climber who slipped and hit every rock face first on his way down Mount Kilimanjaro.


Well Known GateFan
Are you "fall-survivor"-ist now bluce???!!!? :(
When will the inhumanity ever end!!!


Well Known GateFan
So, how long have you been a secret admirer of Mark Steyn?

Admittedly I'm not into beards but in this case I'd make an exception -- as long as he keeps his f**kin' mouth shut that is.

(Yeah, you guys know where I'm headed ;) )


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Admittedly I'm not into beards but in this case I'd make an exception -- as long as he keeps his f**kin' mouth shut that is.

(Yeah, you guys know where I'm headed ;) )

