Google tests encryption to protect users' Drive files against government demands

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member

Google has begun experimenting with encrypting Google Drive files, a privacy-protective move that could curb attempts by the U.S. and other governments to gain access to users' stored files.

As Microsoft continues to become more and more intrusive, like slipping back doors into its "updates" to make snooping easier, Google goes the other way to make users feel confident that their content is safe from prying eyes.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

As Microsoft continues to become more and more intrusive, like slipping back doors into its "updates" to make snooping easier, Google goes the other way to make users feel confident that their content is safe from prying eyes.

This is very very believable. Google is the good guy in the Giants Camp. Apple and Microsoft seek profit by getting into bed with the government, with Microsoft being the biggest whore out there. Apple cant make headway because of Microsoft entrenchment. Three years ago, iPhones, iPads and all Apple products were banned for use in secured Federal offices because of their closed architecture and lack of proper security built into the software. Blackberry and Microsoft do comply to the proper standards. Google cloud apps are not allowed either, but Android devices are.

Apple kicked to the curb:

Google's culture is very non-traditional. Their workplaces are testaments to creativity and they are designed to stimulate creativity instead of squeezing out profits. Everybody is on the same team. At Microsoft, there are separate teams pitted against each other to come up with ideas (by certain deadlines), there is a draconian gauntlet which stifles new ideas and ambitious programmers, and there are entrenched executives who are not up to the tasks they should be performing. Google will fight tooth and nail to keep the government from intruding upon their turf. I predict they will expose these demands from the government rather than give in to them.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
This is very very believable. Google is the good guy in the Giants Camp. Apple and Microsoft seek profit by getting into bed with the government, with Microsoft being the biggest whore out there. Apple cant make headway because of Microsoft entrenchment. Three years ago, iPhones, iPads and all Apple products were banned for use in secured Federal offices because of their closed architecture and lack of proper security built into the software. Blackberry and Microsoft do comply to the proper standards. Google cloud apps are not allowed either, but Android devices are.

Apple kicked to the curb:

Google's culture is very non-traditional. Their workplaces are testaments to creativity and they are designed to stimulate creativity instead of squeezing out profits. Everybody is on the same team. At Microsoft, there are separate teams pitted against each other to come up with ideas (by certain deadlines), there is a draconian gauntlet which stifles new ideas and ambitious programmers, and there are entrenched executives who are not up to the tasks they should be performing. Google will fight tooth and nail to keep the government from intruding upon their turf. I predict they will expose these demands from the government rather than give in to them.

That is something I really want to believe. What lends credibility to that is the fact that Google sells nothing directly, they are cash-rich, which is held in offshore accounts (legally, I might add) and can uproot their business and move to any country in the world without disturbing a single byte of their business if ever they are strong-armed. I can't imagine anything good would come from Google leaving and dumping all their American work-force to the unemployment line or, even worse, relocate them ALL. One creates bad PR for the government and the other lightens the taxpayer coffers.

Real life is probably not so simple but, given Google's vast resources, it's not far from feasible, either.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
That is something I really want to believe. What lends credibility to that is the fact that Google sells nothing directly, they are cash-rich, which is held in offshore accounts (legally, I might add) and can uproot their business and move to any country in the world without disturbing a single byte of their business if ever they are strong-armed. I can't imagine anything good would come from Google leaving and dumping all their American work-force to the unemployment line or, even worse, relocate them ALL. One creates bad PR for the government and the other lightens the taxpayer coffers.

Real life is probably not so simple but, given Google's vast resources, it's not far from feasible, either.

From what I remember when I was working as a contractor in Google's Venice office 5 years ago, the culture was very "alternate" and non-traditional. Go to interview at Google wearing a suit and tie, and you might as well just be wearing a tag that says "I dont want this job". :) Strictly jeans and t-shirts and shorts, goatees and colored hair is fully acceptable and even encouraged. Boring, square and predictable does not fly at the Google I remember. Its why I love where I am working right now because its the same way, a start up with millions of dollars to play with.

As you said, Google is not going to sleep with the ugly chick (the government) because it does not need the business or the headache.