George Lucas butt hurt over criticism of his vision


Well Known GateFan

For any fans awaiting future "Star Wars" films from George Lucas, it's going to be a long wait. The creator of the famed series says he's not going to make any more of these movies and that he's essentially retiring. And for that he blames the harsh feedback from certain fans.

"Why would I make any more when everybody yells at you all the time and says what a terrible person you are?" he tells The New York Times.


Take your ball and go home, George, please. Take your ball and go home.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
What a big baby. So, he made 3 shit follow-up films to the first 3 for the sole purpose of raking in the dough and was called out on it. Suck it up and make amends or go home.


Well Known GateFan
He fails to recognize that he did his best work when he had studio constraints and people looking over his shoulder. He fell apart when he became "too big to fail or criticize" and had complete control. He totally lost perspective and there wasn't a single person in his retinue that was brave enough to challenge him on any of his idiocy. You can see it on the DVD extras of the later films. He's surrounded by "Yes men".

Sad, very sad. :(

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Good riddance.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
He fails to recognize that he did his best work when he had studio constraints and people looking over his shoulder. He fell apart when he became "too big to fail or criticize" and had complete control. He totally lost perspective and there wasn't a single person in his retinue that was brave enough to challenge him on any of his idiocy. You can see it on the DVD extras of the later films. He's surrounded by "Yes men".

Sad, very sad. :(

"Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Boredom" should have been a trailer at best, maybe a webisode. When he put out that piece of shit, the studio should have just put an end to it. Good riddance.


Well Known GateFan
"Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Boredom" should have been a at best, maybe a webisode. When he put out that piece of shit, the studio should have just put an end to it. Good riddance.

It's actually quite sad how Lucas got so big that he lost all perspective. Even "The Simpsons" made fun of how boring the prequels were. Everyone could see how lousy those "films" were yet no one had the balls to say as much. Those idiots surrounding him during the production of those abortions are just as much to blame because they should have had an objective perspective.


Well Known GateFan
Stuff like this reminds me of what has happened to gaming in a way. Before all these "pretty graphics" came along, games had to rely on either good storylines or great systems to hold the players interest. Thesedays it seems any old junk can get a run so long as it looks pretty enough. SW1-3 was definately pretty enough, but there was none of the story or magic that made 4-6 so good.


Well Known GateFan
Stuff like this reminds me of what has happened to gaming in a way. Before all these "pretty graphics" came along, games had to rely on either good storylines or great systems to hold the players interest. Thesedays it seems any old junk can get a run so long as it looks pretty enough. SW1-3 was definately pretty enough, but there was none of the story or magic that made 4-6 so good.

What bugged me about SW 1-3 was that it was too pretty. There was none of the grittiness of the original movies. Perhaps that's a flaw of using so much CGI verses doing live shooting but no matter how you slice it the first 3 movies had a tangible realness to them that the prequels lacked.

Just compare the ships in 4-6 to the ones in 1-3. They weren't these gleaming, smooth, liquid metal anime cartoons. They actually looked like functional crafts that had actually seen usage, and I'm not just talking about the Millennium Falcon. The Imperial Cruisers looked real, same with the Tie fighters and X-wing fighters.

I know this might sound like a minor point but I think it's rather telling. The look of the prequels simply doesn't convey a sense of realness, certainly not the way the original live action movies did.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
What bugged me about SW 1-3 was that it was too pretty. There was none of the grittiness of the original movies. Perhaps that's a flaw of using so much CGI verses doing live shooting but no matter how you slice it the first 3 movies had a tangible realness to them that the prequels lacked.

Just compare the ships in 4-6 to the ones in 1-3. They weren't these gleaming, smooth, liquid metal anime cartoons. They actually looked like functional crafts that had actually seen usage, and I'm not just talking about the Millennium Falcon. The Imperial Cruisers looked real, same with the Tie fighters and X-wing fighters.

I know this might sound like a minor point but I think it's rather telling. The look of the prequels simply doesn't convey a sense of realness, certainly not the way the original live action movies did.

On the contrary, it's not a minor point. Those are small details that were important enough for him to mind when he first developed his vision in the original 3. In the 1-3 prequels, it's just another in a long list of minor details that show he really didn't give a shit, that he just wanted to rush out 3 more "blockbusters" and write himself another lottery ticket.


Well Known GateFan


Objects may be closer than they appear


Well Known GateFan


What ship is this?
Staff member
Remember Lucas did not write the scripts for the first three films. He may have come up with the high level concept but the actual stories were written by Lawrence Kasdan (unofficlally in the first Star Wars and credited in Empire and ROTJ). Lucas wrote the prequels and you can tell - he has literally no concept on how to write even remotely realistic interactions between sentient beings.

I may not care for the vulgarity, but the prequel reviews at Red Letter Media are top notch in dissecting dramatically each film. I recommend them (just fast forward through the Plinkett psycho parts). They do an especially good job on Revenge of the Sith showing how completely illogical the plot was (basically it posits that everyone except Palpatine is phenominally stupid) and also how the characterization falls completely flat.


Oh please. Episodes 4, 5 and 6 are just as much filled with boredom as episodes 1, 2 and 3.


Well Known GateFan