Bluce Ree
Tech Admin / Council Member
I cant believe I edited his post like that! I was doing it from my laptop and did not notice. But his original post has been completely restored without my edits, and my response is above.Interesting thread, BTW. I goind do a whole new thread on the comical antics of some ambitious physics students and scholars, with Stephen Hawking leading the pack (yep, him). He may be yet the last well known "old school" physics figureheads. There is a distinct "physics royalty" based in certain scholarly circles and accreditation from established physics organizations in Europe and the US. They have little to do with the science of physics and everything to do with recognition, publication of journals, inclusion into alumni lists and preferential treatment when it comes to tenure in universities. Year after year, select physics students get to "discover" new subatomic particles and attach their names to them. There are similar "honor structures" in astronomy and chemistry. Not so much in biology or genetics.
Anyway, this subject gets my brain jogging.I am indeed the Time Traveler!
It's almost happened to me once or twice. It's confusing a little to have the "Edit Post" on all posts as an admin and, at first glance, it's not apparent you're editing vs replying. Would be nice if the frame could change color to indicate editing.