By definition, "empirically determined" describes an arbitrary measurement or value. Just SAYING something is constant does not make it so. Mathematics use arbitrary units for calculation, and the values of those unites are 100% arbitrary, sorry.
Experiments also yielded the Flat Earth theory, the existence of Piltdown Man, the "science" of Phrenology, the construct of "race", the formulation of the Stanford-Binet IQ test, and the belief at one time that Man would never be able to travel faster than the speed of sound.
Experimentation is the way to solutions, but not if those experiments are compromised by flaws in methodology. There are no constants observed in the physical universe.
EXACTLY MY POINT. It was the same way before Einstein. Physics was about Newton and some others, but there was more than a century of stagnant, dogmatic adhesion to crusty old ideas. So now, we have visionaries coming into the fold, the possibility of faster than light particles being observed in the physical universe, re-thinking gravitation and the foundations of physics itself. I am uninterested in the lemming physics, its boring. It reminds me of classical music. I was trained to play JS Bach, I love the music and the challenge of playing three part fugues and sprightly arpeggios, but the fact is that the only creativity involved in it is interpretation of SOMEBODY ELSES art.
Its why classical music is never new, and never much different. But its composer, that person was a visionary.
For many, it is very much an empirical question.
This is what I am talking about...LOL. So, what was the fluid before Newton slapped his name on it? And what were/are the mechanics of water flow before Navier and Stokes put their names on it? Why do so many of our natural processes now have people's names attached to them? Science was a much different thing before the 19th Century. People did not put their names on processes, on days of the week, on chemicals. They did not add in months to the calendar to glorify themselves. Just sayin. Physics should not hit a dead end because of dogma.
No moreso than God or any other topic. :icon_e_wink: