Maxwell's equations, gravitational lensing, VLBI, a whole lot more too long to mention.
You're just going off on tangents again since you can't prove your claim. You never attempt to do so.
Read the quotes again. He said an if-then statement in the first one. You're just seeing what you want to see. And the second quote has to do with a more general viewpoint on all of physics, the adoption of fields in physics, gravitational field, electric field, magnetic field, etc.
What tangent?....THERE ARE NO PHYSICAL CONSTANTS. I have said it over and over and over and there is no "going off on tangents". Maxwell's equations do not prove the existence of a constant. Neither do the Lorentz transformations or any of that. They are all relativistic calculations which give approximations and nothing more. My point is proven by the fact that no constants exist in reality. ANYTHING can be "proven" using math if you simply make assumptions. Assume that the speed of light is constant, and you can create all sorts of proofs and you can formulate all sorts of equations.
Lets look at E=mc[SUP]2[/SUP]. The formula follows from the two assumptions that the speed of light is constant in any frame, and that the laws of physics hold in any inertial (ie unaccelerating) frame. AT BEST, Einstein's equation (actually a derivation) is only a theory. The speed of light cannot be proven to be constant, but it HAS been proven to be able to be slowed down and/or bent. If it can be bent or slowed down, then it cannot be constant. There is no proof in mathematics which can verify this equation.
Are you familiar with Nikolai Lobachevsky? Read up about him. He developed the first non-Euclidean geometry. He developed a geometry in which Euclid's Fifth Postulate was not true, and gave us a whole new hyperbolic geometry to use. Previously, mathematicians were all trying to deduce Euclid's Fifth Postulate using other axioms and they floundered. Today, the conformist physics community is stagnant because the fuzzy edges and variability of things that is our ACTUAL universe are not at all explained by flawed mathematics rife with constants which never change, with assumptions about constancy of speeds, lengths, movement...

. It's ridiculous. So, I read and search and hope that somebody with vision comes along and takes physics in a different direction.