A far easier "pill" to swallow

No, I'm not, QT states that you cannot quantify anything in absolute terms, I would call this "Kaos Theory" (the spelling to signify it is NOT chaos theory as used in modern scientific parlance, not the the skylander character

), but a far older idea.
Hang on, are you suggesting that modern physics cannot exist without "god/s"?
Why oh why did secular religion hate science!!!
For sure, I don't, and again, if I am channelling OM correctly again, neither does he. what he, and I object to is the notion of absolutes. nothing is absolute in this universe, there are "likey", "very unlikely", and "darn near unavoidable" " events, but no absolutes. Death you say? what about "conciousness transfer"? We can't do it now, we may never do it, but it is an idea.
As to "systems"
There is nothing wrong with systems, nothing at all *Until such a point where the preservation of the system is more important than the understanding of the reason the system exists at all*
Ask OM about the Republicans and when it was more important for him to not blindly support them, or when a "faithful person" loses thier "faith", or even when they re-discover it.
The system truly does not matter, it is the desired result that matters.