For the Gamers Amongst Us... <grin>


Council Member & Author
YOU BASH THE BALROG By Lee Gold (Tune: Waltzing Matilda)

Once a jolly cleric, and a magic using elf
And a mighty dwarf with a sword plus three
Left their native village, out to get their share of pelf.
You bash the balrog, and I'll climb the tree.

You bash the balrog, you bash the balrog
You bash the balrog and I'll climb the tree
(Repeat third line of previous verse)
You bash the balrog and I'll climb the tree.

First they met a goblin, with a fire breathing hound
They bashed and they smashed,and they scragged it with glee.
Afterwards they searched him, and a magic potion found
You bash the balrog, and I'll climb the tree.

The low wisdom swordsman, picked it up and drank it down.
Changed to a wolf immediately
No one could dispel it, so they headed back to town
You bash the balrog, and I'll climb the tree.

Then a loud voice bellowed, "who has slain the goblin king".
Round turned our heroes, what did they see?
Swooping down upon them, was a balrog on the wing
You bash the balrog, and I'll climb the tree.

"help!" screamed the cleric, "ditto!" screamed the elven mage.
The wolf whimpered low, and he tried to flee
The balrog fell upon them, and his flames began to rage
You bash the balrog and I'll climb the tree.

They ran through the forest, seeking for a place to hide.
Pursued by the balrog so fierce to see
"wait" cried the elf mage "I have got a plan" he lied
"you bash the balrog and I'll climb the tree"

Once a mighty balrog slew a cleric and an elf
And a smallish wolf who had teeth plus three
Skinned them and tanned their hides
And kept them on a closet shelf
"you bash the balrog and I'll climb the tree"

This is the alternative verse for those who demand happy endings.

Once a mighty balrog slew a jolly cleric and
Skinned a smallish wolf who had teeth plus three
But the elf got away, and he's living with a dryad band
"you bash the balrog and I'll climb the tree"


Well Known GateFan
Matilda is spinning in her watery grave, ya know that, right :D