Florida to expand Medicaid under health overhaul

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
And down comes another Republican who was vocally against Obamacare just for the sake of being against it during elections.



Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I get the feeling a lot of the supposed disagreements seems to mostly stem from 'they didn't come up with it first'.

I feel the same way. Well, that and because the "wrong" President got it pushed through.


Well Known GateFan
The way I see it the Republicans had decades to do something about the health care problem but chose not to (mostly because many Right wing big wigs are heavily invested in for-profit and "non-profit" health care schemes). So now they have zero right to piss and moan about what Obama is doing to fix the problem.

The following highlights just how out of touch Republicans have been on the issue of affordable health care. To them, there is no problem in the following scenario:

Florida has one of the highest rates of uninsured residents in the country and some of the most stringent eligibility requirements. A family of three with income of $11,000 a year makes too much and single residents are not covered.


Well Known GateFan
Please tell me you are shitting me Shaved........... :(


Well Known GateFan
Please tell me you are shitting me Shaved........... :(

Nope, not shitting you sorry to say. It's that bad here still. :(

I'm really biting my cyber tongue here for fear of going off on a tangent but the healthcare industry in this country really is messed up. I'm no socialist but even I see what a monstrous scam healthcare has become in this country.


Well Known GateFan
Nope, not shitting you sorry to say. It's that bad here still. :(

I'm really biting my cyber tongue here for fear of going off on a tangent but the healthcare industry in this country really is messed up. I'm no socialist but even I see what a monstrous scam healthcare has become in this country.

Wow, just......... wow.....:(
I suppose what we have here would be called socialist by some, but, goddamn, I'd rather pay the medicare levy and know that if the shit really hit the fan we would be taken care of and not have to worry about a tens of thousands dollar bill to be saddled with.


The Belle of the Ball
so the gov flip-flopped like Obama huh? I guess that too is an equal opportunity disorder! :P
--- merged: Feb 21, 2013 at 8:04 AM ---
I feel the same way. Well, that and because the "wrong" President got it pushed through.

Oh, like the libs that screamed bloody murder about Bush's drone strikes and applaud Obama's? (for the record I don't like drones no matter which side is using them:P)

Obamacare didn't get "pushed through"-- it got crammed down our throats despite the fact that (at the time) 74% of the american people were against it (oh and no one who voted FOR it even read the bill:P)- in a parlimentary system the gov't would have been replaced rapidly.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
so the gov flip-flopped like Obama huh? I guess that too is an equal opportunity disorder! :P
--- merged: Feb 21, 2013 at 8:04 AM ---

Oh, like the libs that screamed bloody murder about Bush's drone strikes and applaud Obama's? (for the record I don't like drones no matter which side is using them:P)

Obamacare didn't get "pushed through"-- it got crammed down our throats despite the fact that (at the time) 74% of the american people were against it (oh and no one who voted FOR it even read the bill:P)- in a parlimentary system the gov't would have been replaced rapidly.

With all the other social issues which keep the US behind the EU and Canada, National Healthcare was necessary. Funny how it took a personal connection for Scott to become a supporter:

The governor said he gained new perspective after his mother's death last year, calling his decision to support a key provision of the Affordable Care Act a "compassionate, common sense step forward," and not a "white flag of surrender to government-run healthcare."

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
With all the other social issues which keep the US behind the EU and Canada, National Healthcare was necessary. Funny how it took a personal connection for Scott to become a supporter:

The governor said he gained new perspective after his mother's death last year, calling his decision to support a key provision of the Affordable Care Act a "compassionate, common sense step forward," and not a "white flag of surrender to government-run healthcare."

Kick ... GOAL!

That's what it takes for these idiots who object for no reason at all, a hit close to home where an "oh shit it happened to me" moment changes their minds.
--- merged: Feb 21, 2013 at 8:51 AM ---
so the gov flip-flopped like Obama huh? I guess that too is an equal opportunity disorder! :P

It's not so much the flip-flopping as it is the fact that we come to realize their objections were all about the "just because" factor, meaningless and purely partisan.

Oh, like the libs that screamed bloody murder about Bush's drone strikes and applaud Obama's? (for the record I don't like drones no matter which side is using them:P)

Obamacare didn't get "pushed through"-- it got crammed down our throats despite the fact that (at the time) 74% of the american people were against it (oh and no one who voted FOR it even read the bill:P)- in a parlimentary system the gov't would have been replaced rapidly.

Your party controlled the House and 47% of the Senate, not Generalissimo Obama with his minions and his dictatorial power granted to him by the Congress in your mind.

In a parliamentary system, the Democrats would have to hold a minority government to get "kicked out". The process is called a non-confidence vote triggered by voting against a proposed budget. However, if the Democrats hold a majority government in a parliamentary system, they can push through anything they wish with no opposition.

Canada finds itself with minority governments in power every so often, which is about the only time you get good government because the ruling government is forced to cooperate with the other parties in order to get the votes they need. However, non-confidence votes triggering an election will usually end up with the minority government gaining seats to form a super majority. That's what happened a few years ago with the feds.
--- merged: Feb 21, 2013 at 9:00 AM ---
Wow, just......... wow.....:(
I suppose what we have here would be called socialist by some, but, goddamn, I'd rather pay the medicare levy and know that if the shit really hit the fan we would be taken care of and not have to worry about a tens of thousands dollar bill to be saddled with.

See, what happens here is the lobby and their henchmen in Congress know how to manipulate people with words. So, they start some bullshit about "oh the government will decide who lives or dies" and "your tax dollars will pay for someone else's freeloading" and they eat that bullshit up by the bucket, licking their lips and begging for more, not realizing that whether Mr and Mrs Jackass are paying their medical in private premiums or tax dollars it amounts to the same shit, except that it would be far less as a tax burden than it is as an insurance premium. They also are too stupid to realize that insurance boards are the real "death panels" because they actually DO decide whether you get your treatment or not and whether you get the expensive one that works or the cheap one that will cost them less by the time you die, purely driven by profits. And, lastly, your premiums are paying someone else's bills anyway.

That, my friend, is the epitome of stupid in this country.


The Belle of the Ball
Kick ... GOAL!

That's what it takes for these idiots who object for no reason at all, a hit close to home where an "oh shit it happened to me" moment changes their minds.
--- merged: Feb 21, 2013 at 8:51 AM ---

It's not so much the flip-flopping as it is the fact that we come to realize their objections were all about the "just because" factor, meaningless and purely partisan.

Your party controlled the House and 47% of the Senate, not Generalissimo Obama with his minions and his dictatorial power granted to him by the Congress in your mind.


before you pat yourself on the back you better sit down because you are ....
WRONG- check your facts kiddo- when obamacare was pushed through we had speaker PELOSI and dingy harry reid had a fillibuster proof majority--remember Arlen spector changing coats yet again? then teddy-i-didn't-know-she-was-still-in-the-car-Kennedy died so they rushed it in the senate. March 23, 2010 obama signed it-- the nov election returned the house to the GOP and whittled the dems to 53 in the senate! CHECK YOUR FACTS!
from wiki:
The House passed the bill with a vote of 219 to 212 on March 21, 2010, with 34 Democrats and all 178 Republicans voting against it. (...) On December 23, the Senate voted 60–39 to end debate on the bill, eliminating the possibility of a filibuster by opponents. The bill then passed by a vote of 60–39 on December 24, 2009, with all Democrats and two Independents voting for, and all Republicans voting against except one Republican senator (Jim Bunning, R-Ky.) not voting.[182]
On January 19, 2010, Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown was elected to the Senate, having campaigned on giving the Republican minority the 41st vote needed to sustain a filibuster, even famously signing autographs as "Scott 41."[146][183][184]

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
before you pat yourself on the back you better sit down because you are ....
WRONG- check your facts kiddo- when obamacare was pushed through we had speaker PELOSI and dingy harry reid had a fillibuster proof majority--remember Arlen spector changing coats yet again? then teddy-i-didn't-know-she-was-still-in-the-car-Kennedy died so they rushed it in the senate. March 23, 2010 obama signed it-- the nov election returned the house to the GOP and whittled the dems to 53 in the senate! CHECK YOUR FACTS!

You're correct about the dates regarding the House. I got my dates mixed up.

from wiki:

Wiki - the "when it serves my purpose it's accurate but when it doesn't it's a Liberal Conspiracy rag" tool.


Well Known GateFan
Is the republican party generally so lock-step in it's POV and if so, why?
As for that Scott Brown fella, he campaigned on a platform of deliberately blocking legislation/parliament acting? What an Ass!! Glad we don't have that kind of shit here. :)


The Belle of the Ball
You're correct about the dates regarding the House. I got my dates mixed up.

Wiki - the "when it serves my purpose it's accurate but when it doesn't it's a Liberal Conspiracy rag" tool.

LOL it's on your level! ;) Of course I am correct about the HOUSE and SENATE information-- there were 60 dems in the senate at the time..nearly 60% (cause teddy was dead and there was an empty seat).
--- merged: Feb 21, 2013 at 11:58 AM ---
Is the republican party generally so lock-step in it's POV and if so, why?
As for that Scott Brown fella, he campaigned on a platform of deliberately blocking legislation/parliament acting? What an Ass!! Glad we don't have that kind of shit here. :)
And yet no comment about the democrats voting in lock-step? Gee sounds like you like what the dems do? ;) a number of dem senators voted for the Obamamcare under threat of losing their committee positions. the example I am most familiar with: Indiana's Senator Evan Bayh voted for it and announced he was retiring (he's obama's age) the next day...why? because calls from his Indiana constituants were running 87% against the bill; but if he voted against it he would lose his committee assignments, and voting for it effectively ended his senate career.
Scott Brown was listening to the people not the press & politicians...even mass didn't want the obamacare bill passed. but fauxahontas beat him so he's not a senator no more. :(


Well Known GateFan
And yet no comment about the democrats voting in lock-step? Gee sounds like you like what the dems do? ;)
No, I'm sticking to your example where the dems did not vote in lock-step, it was a question only Rac.
a number of dem senators voted for the Obamamcare under threat of losing their committee positions. the example I am most familiar with: Indiana's Senator Evan Bayh voted for it and announced he was retiring (he's obama's age) the next day...why? because calls from his Indiana constituants were running 87% against the bill; but if he voted against it he would lose his committee assignments, and voting for it effectively ended his senate career.
Then he paid the price for not doing his job of representing his people, I have no sympathy for him. I believe I even disagreed with all of you about people voting "for themselves" against the will of the people they are supposed to represent and got a lecture for it.

Scott Brown was listening to the people not the press & politicians...even mass didn't want the obamacare bill passed. but fauxahontas beat him so he's not a senator no more. :(
Perhaps instead of being a smart-arse and being "mr 41" and operating on a platform of trying to establish a filibuster lock on politics, he shoulda just said he disagreed with Obamacare and voted for what his people wanted?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
No, I'm sticking to your example where the dems did not vote in lock-step, it was a question only Rac.

Then he paid the price for not doing his job of representing his people, I have no sympathy for him. I believe I even disagreed with all of you about people voting "for themselves" against the will of the people they are supposed to represent and got a lecture for it.

Perhaps instead of being a smart-arse and being "mr 41" and operating on a platform of trying to establish a filibuster lock on politics, he shoulda just said he disagreed with Obamacare and voted for what his people wanted?

You must be new to US politics. :icon_lol:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Newbish, but not a N00B :P

Politicians stopped doing shit for people about the time of prohibition and big tobacco. Now, when a politician tries to push an agenda for the people, he/she is accused of being "socialist" (without even understanding wtf the word means) by the lobbies and their Congress cronies.


Well Known GateFan
Politicians stopped doing shit for people about the time of prohibition and big tobacco. Now, when a politician tries to push an agenda for the people, he/she is accused of being "socialist" (without even understanding wtf the word means) by the lobbies and their Congress cronies.

Thats not a foreign concept to me dude :P

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Thats not a foreign concept to me dude :P

True but nobody does it better than Americans in the western world. All one needs to do is look at the healthcare system as one of many such examples.