Farscape Possible Sequel Film


Well Known GateFan
Fair enough...worst ending to any TV show ever.

This is the result of Moore's lie that they had the entire run of the show planned out. They didn't. The ending seemed thrown together out of a mish mash of lame ideas that the writers came up with while high on soap bubbles.

To me it's inconceivable that the BSG ending could have been planned from the start as it was soooooooo bad! I'd like to think someone would have stepped forward to call a spade a spade in all that time. Then again, it is the era of the "Yes men" in TV and movie writing as we all know. Too many mid-level producers with mortgages to pay that are afraid to upset the apple cart these days, hence the rubber stamping of ridiculously bad ideas put forth by the exec producers.


What ship is this?
Staff member
This is the result of Moore's lie that they had the entire run of the show planned out. They didn't. The ending seemed thrown together out of a mish mash of lame ideas that the writers came up with while high on soap bubbles.

To me it's inconceivable that the BSG ending could have been planned from the start as it was soooooooo bad! I'd like to think someone would have stepped forward to call a spade a spade in all that time. Then again, it is the era of the "Yes men" in TV and movie writing as we all know. Too many mid-level producers with mortgages to pay that are afraid to upset the apple cart these days, hence the rubber stamping of ridiculously bad ideas put forth by the exec producers.

Witness the Star Wars Prequels....although they at least spawned the hilarious Plinkett reviews.