

Well Known GateFan
How do you know I exist?

Please refrain from smartass answers, such as, you don't you're a figment of my imagination. Hardy har har har.


Objects may be closer than they appear
I post, therefore I am.



Objects may be closer than they appear
Please green this post so that I know for sure that you exist.



Well Known GateFan
What we believe is immaterial, do YOU believe you exist Mzzz?
Or are you prepared to wait on the mass delusions of this forum to will you into existance??


Objects may be closer than they appear

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
How do you know I exist?

Please refrain from smartass answers, such as, you don't you're a figment of my imagination. Hardy har har har.

Truth? I DONT know you exist. I cannot prove it without assuming other things exist by which to define you with, and I cannot prove they exist either. :) Interesting thread to start...should be fun! I imagine these subjects being tackled in the gardens of Greece, contemplated by great philosophers. :)

But I BELIEVE you exist, therefore you do. For me, that is. :)


Well Known GateFan
Truth? I DONT know you exist. I cannot prove it without assuming other things exist by which to define you with, and I cannot prove they exist either. :) Interesting thread to start...should be fun! I imagine these subjects being tackled in the gardens of Greece, contemplated by great philosophers. :)

*Zaps OM and turns him into a statue*
(yes, I could be that hideous............... :lol: )


Well Known GateFan
What we believe is immaterial, do YOU believe you exist Mzzz?
Or are you prepared to wait on the mass delusions of this forum to will you into existance??
I initially worded it this way to avoid bringing me into it:

Do you, generalized you, believe I, arbitrary but fixed identifier, exist?

But I thought that would be too confusing so I didn't. I don't care about personal subjective concerns, just wanted to discuss the idea of existence independent of any specific person. Just the topic in general.
Truth? I DONT know you exist. I cannot prove it without assuming other things exist by which to define you with, and I cannot prove they exist either. :) Interesting thread to start...should be fun! I imagine these subjects being tackled in the gardens of Greece, contemplated by great philosophers. :)

But I BELIEVE you exist, therefore you do. For me, that is. :)

You believe I do.

As for the rest...
Even though I said no smartass answers...still....


Actually..........blind faith is serious answer, not smartass. I have sheer blind faith that you exist, so in my mind you are real.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Actually..........blind faith is serious answer, not smartass. I have sheer blind faith that you exist, so in my mind you are real.

YES. In fact, with at least ONE point in time and space taken as "real", you can build upon that. :) This is a good subject, not really answerable.


Well Known GateFan
I initially worded it this way to avoid bringing me into it:
Did you expect me to miss that dodge??? ROFL!!!

Do you, generalized you, believe I, arbitrary but fixed identifier, exist?
All proof in hand leads me to conclude that your objective existance is more probable than you objective non-existance.
You post rarely
You have your own "style"
You are capable of initiating discussion

But I thought that would be too confusing so I didn't. I don't care about personal subjective concerns, just wanted to discuss the idea of existence independent of any specific person. Just the topic in general.
Bad choice of example then bud :D
It's a question of belief and "proof" working in concert IMHO. If I can plant my foot in your arse and kick it, then you are "physically real" to all current definitions, If I cannot do such a thing, Can I "metaphorically" do it? Yoo can debate, so I can "metaphorically" do so if required. Ergo, you exist.
To Me............. :lol:

As for "subjective reality", well, it don't mean shit what anyone else believes, Do YOU think you are real?


The Belle of the Ball
I am the cartoonist drawing all of you jokers! :ori: