Enough with the freakin' "Hunger Games" hype

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Actually Bluce, if you watch the trailer you will see that the huge alien ship that crashed on the original Alien planet is in the film. This automatically establishes the Alien in the movie because we know they were on that ship when it crashed and are the source of the Alien in the first film. So at the very least, we find out why that alien ship crashed, and we already know it contains the Aliens. Also, why put it in the same universe as Alien unless there was to be a tie-in on at least one level? There is a guy grabbing his face screaming too. :) . There has to be at least some Alien sprinkles in this thing! :smiley-money-mouth:

Freeze frame the trailer at the face grabbing. It's the dude's helmet melting, not an egg laying face grabber.


Well Known GateFan
Freeze frame the trailer at the face grabbing. It's the dude's helmet melting, not an egg laying face grabber.

One can assume his helmet is melting due to being enveloped by an acidic creature. ;)

Plus someone gets "impregnated" with some sort of parasite as the clips show something trying to be surgically removed and also this chick saying something about removing it. (I think, I'm not totally sure about this though to be honest)

So what I'm thinking is that the alien creature is perhaps a hybrid species that the Space Jockeys created (as a weapon) post-Prometheus if that makes sense. As for the ship that is in Alien, that could be a different ship (still used by the Space Jockey race) that later crashes on LV-426 with a cargo of alien "eggs". At least that's what I've come up with for a possible Alien connection, again, I have no idea how off-base I am here.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Has anyone else here seen this movie? I want to know if I missed something. Some of the people who have seen it say they liked it a lot.:icon_e_surprised: Admittedly, they are much younger people than me. I may have missed the appeal because of my age? Very possible/probable. :) I hated the premise most of all, so I could not enjoy the movie. I want to hear from anyone who liked the movie.


Council Member
@Shavedape, I've watched The Hunger Games and I thought it was actually very entertaining. However, I've never read the books mind you; but still, an entertaining film.

Watched it on the whim.


Well Known GateFan
@Shavedape, I've watched The Hunger Games and I thought it was actually very entertaining. However, I've never read the books mind you; but still, an entertaining film.

Watched it on the whim.

I'm going to pretend you didn't say that. :anim_59:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
@Shavedape, I've watched The Hunger Games and I thought it was actually very entertaining. However, I've never read the books mind you; but still, an entertaining film.

Watched it on the whim.

Im not surprised. You are a young bro, and like I said above, I am getting a surprisingly large number of positive reviews from younger people. I hated the movie myself. :) I didnt really hate it, but I did not enjoy it. I found it rather formulaic, even though this premise is one that has not been done exactly like this. I think I will watch it again to see if I can see it differently.


Well Known GateFan
What's so funny? lol

Nothing, nothing. It's cute that you like The Hunger Games. Trust me though, in 20 years you will be delightfully cynical and will take pleasure in tearing apart such juvenilia. :devilish:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Nothing, nothing. It's cute that you like The Hunger Games. Trust me though, in 20 years you will be delightfully cynical and will take pleasure in tearing apart such juvenilia. :devilish:

By then, the viewing audience will have been so dumbed down that silent films will be able to make a comeback. :facepalm:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
By then, the viewing audience will have been so dumbed down that silent films will be able to make a comeback. :facepalm:

I have to disagree. That would involve too much thinking required to interpret the moving pictures on the screen and read the dialogue.


What ship is this?
Staff member

Welcome back! How have you been?



Council Member
I am doing well - juggling life with work, dates and ever silly boys and their dramas. Same ol' really, lol.

How's u?


What ship is this?
Staff member
Not bad. Juggling work with gym, a bit of night school and I will be teaching for 12 weeks starting in January. Did some hobby stuff this summer in Pennsylvania at the World Boardgaming Championships and things like that too.


Well Known GateFan
Not bad. Juggling work with gym, a bit of night school and I will be teaching for 12 weeks starting in January. Did some hobby stuff this summer in Pennsylvania at the World Boardgaming Championships and things like that too.

That statement begs the age old question of: teaching what?


What ship is this?
Staff member
That statement begs the age old question of: teaching what?

It's a high level look at the history of the Bible – where the books come from and when. Also a high level look at interpretation. With only 12 weeks it has to be high level.


Council Member
Not bad. Juggling work with gym, a bit of night school and I will be teaching for 12 weeks starting in January. Did some hobby stuff this summer in Pennsylvania at the World Boardgaming Championships and things like that too.
Very niiiice!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I am doing well - juggling life with work, dates and ever silly boys and their dramas. Same ol' really, lol.

How's u?

Been missing you bro! I hadnt moved forward with the transition because of the announcement that vBulletin 5 is coming soon. I want to see it before making the final decision. I already purchased the Xenforo license for GateFans and they are almost ready to go. All I would have to do is to import the latest forums and less than 1 hour later we would be fully moved (it has a great importer). I am not impressed with the "enhancements" they put in vBulletin, like the lame "Activity Stream". I still hate the antiquated codebase. Xenforo is all new and the code is clean. Easy to customize, plus it is on Tapatalk. :)


Council Member
Ah shucks.

Been utilising my Android to its fullest potential. So I got Tapatalk so I can be here more often, if not on 24/7 via my phone. Been using Tapatalk on another forum I rarely go to, due to again time constraints but today was the first day I have been on that forum all day. So looking forward to seeing this forum get upgraded, cos with Tapatalk, I will be on this site all day, every day.


What ship is this?
Staff member
I also like Tapatalk.