Enough with the freakin' "Hunger Games" hype


Objects may be closer than they appear
I think I'm glad that I saved my pennies for Prometheus, but time will tell.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I think I'm glad that I saved my pennies for Prometheus, but time will tell.

Im seein it! I will just do this until I see it. :smiley-lala:

I dont care if it sucks, it looks like the real deal science fiction thing to me, that is for sure. I already knew the likes of Transformers and even Avengers would be what was expected (keyword here: expected) of those franchises. But this...this thing is similar enough to the feel of Alien to stir those dormant engrams in the dark, steamy corridors of my brain where my memories of the real Alien films live. This only means Alien, Aliens and Aliens 3. That abomination they called Alien: Resurrection does not count. I turn my back on it :rolleye0014:

But others here are telling me it is only in the same universe. Thats good too! Its a cool, believable universe done right with no magic or unexplained "science" and unnecessary shipping. These films MUST be about the unknown, and the unknown must feel and look believably dangerous. Shipping is neither unknown or dangerous, and thus not as entertaining as the terror of the dangerous unknown. It does not need to have the original alien in it, as long as they get the same feel. The trailer is awesome (reposting for reference)!


I dunno, looks like there IS some face grabbing alien stuff happening, and those canisters look a lot like canned alien eggs. This seems to be hinting at an artificial origin for the aliens of the later movies. I hope so! :)


What ship is this?
Staff member
I'm down for Prometheus. I have hopes that the return to SciFi of Ridley Scott will be a good one.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I'm down for Prometheus. I have hopes that the return to SciFi of Ridley Scott will be a good one.

We need a Prometheus thread. :) Not much to say about Hunger Games. Half a billion? Really? :eek-new:


Well Known GateFan
I only "ressurected it" to give you the view of someone who actually, ya know READ the book...........................


What ship is this?
Staff member
I did see Avengers - it is definitely watchable and in fact pretty good. Compared to Transformers it is like Citizen Kane because it actually has a story and the characters do have some depth to them. It has limits simply because of the number of characters they are fitting into a 2.5 hour film but it is nonetheless good.


What ship is this?
Staff member
I only "ressurected it" to give you the view of someone who actually, ya know READ the book...........................

And I appreciate your doing it - it gives a different perspective from which to evaluate the film.


Well Known GateFan
And I appreciate your doing it - it gives a different perspective from which to evaluate the film.

I must admit I have no desire to see the film, as I said, it reads like a movie "treatment" anyway, all I will say about it is that the *concept* and that alone was good, but again, as I originally stated in the thread all that time ago, it's just "the Long Walk" or The Running man" all over again. The only difference is, is that is is written from a female perspective, but the character is so shallow in the book as for that not to make even a noticable impact.

Sad really :(

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I only "ressurected it" to give you the view of someone who actually, ya know READ the book...........................

Hunger Games? Should I read it?


Council Member & Author
If you really think you want to read the thiing, OM1, let me know and I'll loan you my copy. I've never read anything but the front cover.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I did see Avengers - it is definitely watchable and in fact pretty good. Compared to Transformers it is like Citizen Kane because it actually has a story and the characters do have some depth to them. It has limits simply because of the number of characters they are fitting into a 2.5 hour film but it is nonetheless good.


But...but Transformers had a story! CRASH + BANG + POW + "Oh baby". There is something about an Allspark, and a big metal hero bot named Optimus Prime, but that is pushed in the background so the REAL story of the boy-racer gets larval nymphet, tools around in car that turns into his backup. A real high tech pimp daddy. :P

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
If you really think you want to read the thiing, OM1, let me know and I'll loan you my copy. I've never read anything but the front cover.

Nah, If it is anything like the movie then I will never finish it. The title repulses me somehow. the words "Hunger" and "Games" just doesn't sit well with me. I didnt let that stop me from trying to watch the film, but it was just excruciating. :facepalm2:


Well Known GateFan
Hunger Games? Should I read it?

Depends on how willing you are to divorce your enjoyment of a subject or format really :P
If you only want to "read a good story", leave it alone, if you want to torture yourself with questions of "this could be great but WHHHHYYYYY", then read it.
I only read it because:
A: It is hugely popular right now.
B: because of A, it may hit School reading lists so when the questions from the Missus come, I can answer them.

I spent last night deconstructing the poetry of Willfred Owens with her, so I have come to expect being asked such things.


Well Known GateFan
Nah, If it is anything like the movie then I will never finish it. The title repulses me somehow. the words "Hunger" and "Games" just doesn't sit well with me. I didnt let that stop me from trying to watch the film, but it was just excruciating. :facepalm2:

The title does actually serve a purpose in the novel.........


Well Known GateFan
Im seein it! I will just do this until I see it. :smiley-lala:

I dont care if it sucks, it looks like the real deal science fiction thing to me, that is for sure. I already knew the likes of Transformers and even Avengers would be what was expected (keyword here: expected) of those franchises. But this...this thing is similar enough to the feel of Alien to stir those dormant engrams in the dark, steamy corridors of my brain where my memories of the real Alien films live. This only means Alien, Aliens and Aliens 3. That abomination they called Alien: Resurrection does not count. I turn my back on it :rolleye0014:

But others here are telling me it is only in the same universe. Thats good too! Its a cool, believable universe done right with no magic or unexplained "science" and unnecessary shipping. These films MUST be about the unknown, and the unknown must feel and look believably dangerous. Shipping is neither unknown or dangerous, and thus not as entertaining as the terror of the dangerous unknown. It does not need to have the original alien in it, as long as they get the same feel. The trailer is awesome (reposting for reference)!


I dunno, looks like there IS some face grabbing alien stuff happening, and those canisters look a lot like canned alien eggs. This seems to be hinting at an artificial origin for the aliens of the later movies. I hope so! :)

Well if you remember the Space Jockey's ship in Alien the eggs were lined up in like a storage area sort of. They were covered in fog and there was like a containment shield (or some sort of shield) was on top of them; like they were in a fridge. So maybe the Space Jockey's used them as a type of weapon for places they invaded? Just drop a few of those eggs on your enemy's territory and all hell would break loose. They are the perfect self-replicating weapon (Cameron's nonsense about needing a queen to lay the eggs kind of ruined that idea but in Alien they were self-replicating.).

I'm thinking that that is what the Alien tie-in is with this movie. They will explore the Space Jockey's origins which include developing the perfect weapon (the alien creatures) but the alien thing will only be a small part of it, not the main theme. This is all just speculation on my part and isn't based on any sort of spoilers. I could be wayyyyyy wrong here (but really, am I ever wrong??? :D )

(P.S. Normally I try not to thread drift but The Hunger Games sucks so bad that it's worthy of being disparaged this way. ;) )


Council Member & Author
Well if you remember the Space Jockey's ship in Alien the eggs were lined up in like a storage area sort of. They were covered in fog and there was like a containment shield (or some sort of shield) was on top of them; like they were in a fridge. So maybe the Space Jockey's used them as a type of weapon for places they invaded? Just drop a few of those eggs on your enemy's territory and all hell would break loose. They are the perfect self-replicating weapon (Cameron's nonsense about needing a queen to lay the eggs kind of ruined that idea but in Alien they were self-replicating.).

I'm thinking that that is what the Alien tie-in is with this movie. They will explore the Space Jockey's origins which include developing the perfect weapon (the alien creatures) but the alien thing will only be a small part of it, not the main theme. This is all just speculation on my part and isn't based on any sort of spoilers. I could be wayyyyyy wrong here (but really, am I ever wrong??? :D )

(P.S. Normally I try not to thread drift but The Hunger Games sucks so bad that it's worthy of being disparaged this way. ;) )
It could be that one can develop into a Queen if there colony lacks one...sort of along the lines of some terrestrial critters that can change sex...

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I doubt this story has anything to do with Alien. The trailer hints at an advanced species bent on coming back to Earth. Alien was not a technologically advanced species, just a very adept hunter/killer species.


Council Member & Author
From what I have heard about it, it was supposed to be some kind of prelude to the Alien movies. I think they have a flash of a facehugger in someone's helmet...

Charlise Theron was on Colbert last night and when he asked her if anything was going to pop out of her chest, she said that she was fairly certain that if she said anything about the movie, a sniper'd kill her from the audience.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
From what I have heard about it, it was supposed to be some kind of prelude to the Alien movies. I think they have a flash of a facehugger in someone's helmet...

Charlise Theron was on Colbert last night and when he asked her if anything was going to pop out of her chest, she said that she was fairly certain that if she said anything about the movie, a sniper'd kill her from the audience.

The original story was written as an Alien prequel. However, Scott wanted something original so he had the entire script rewritten.


A script by Spaihts acted as a prequel to the events of the Alien films, but Scott opted for a different direction to avoid repeating cues from those films. In late 2010, he brought Lindelof onto the project to rewrite Spaihts' script, and together they developed a separate story that precedes the story of Alien but is not directly connected to that franchise. According to Scott, though the film shares "strands of Alien's DNA, so to speak", and takes place in the same universe, Prometheus will explore its own mythology and ideas.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I doubt this story has anything to do with Alien. The trailer hints at an advanced species bent on coming back to Earth. Alien was not a technologically advanced species, just a very adept hunter/killer species.

Actually Bluce, if you watch the trailer you will see that the huge alien ship that crashed on the original Alien planet is in the film. This automatically establishes the Alien in the movie because we know they were on that ship when it crashed and are the source of the Alien in the first film. So at the very least, we find out why that alien ship crashed, and we already know it contains the Aliens. Also, why put it in the same universe as Alien unless there was to be a tie-in on at least one level? There is a guy grabbing his face screaming too. :) . There has to be at least some Alien sprinkles in this thing! :smiley-money-mouth: