End of the year prediction



I predict 2012 will end tonight at 11:59:59

Happy 2013 to everyone :cheerful:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member


Your wrong.

How am I wrong? Are all the doomsayers wanting 2012 to continue like some bad episode of the twilight zone till the end of the world comes so your ilk can say 'see 2012 end of days'? Or are you saying 2013 can not come because the world is still here and i prepped for the end of the world with lots of guns and bibles?
--- merged: Dec 31, 2012 at 11:37 AM ---
It did not happen

Greetings from 2013 :P

Greetings future GF of 2013, we here in 2012 will be catching up to you soon:welcoming:


Well Known GateFan
It did not happen

Greetings from 2013 :P

Time is dimensional, not linear, therefore assigning the numerical marker 2013 is pointless. You really need to think about this because God knows I haven't. :P

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Time is dimensional, not linear, therefore assigning the numerical marker 2013 is pointless. You really need to think about this because God knows I haven't. :P

(whispering)....There is no such thing as time. :hide; Im serious. Its a construct.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
(whispering)....There is no such thing as time. :hide; Im serious. Its a construct.

The dreamer in me wishes I could argue that because time travel would be the ultimate adventure. The reality is, you're right. Time is nothing but how we perceive experiences. Time is a linearly measurable dimension we constructed that cannot be traveled or manipulated. :(

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
The dreamer in me wishes I could argue that because time travel would be the ultimate adventure. The reality is, you're right. Time is nothing but how we perceive experiences. Time is a linearly measurable dimension we constructed that cannot be traveled or manipulated. :(

Well said...I just KNEW I was going to get dumped on for making that statement of fact. :)


Well Known GateFan
(whispering)....There is no such thing as time. :hide; Im serious. Its a construct.

(Whispers back)
Everything is a construct.
--- merged: Jan 2, 2013 at 4:26 AM ---
The dreamer in me wishes I could argue that because time travel would be the ultimate adventure. The reality is, you're right. Time is nothing but how we perceive experiences. Time is a linearly measurable dimension we constructed that cannot be traveled or manipulated. :(

Traveled, perhaps, we do it all the time in dreams and such (yes yes, not physically), *manipulated* however, I dunno. We can't even really manipulate gravity, and we sorta understand more of it as a force.
Would you write off anti grav propulsion so easily?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
(Whispers back)
Everything is a construct.
--- merged: Jan 2, 2013 at 4:26 AM ---

Traveled, perhaps, we do it all the time in dreams and such (yes yes, not physically), *manipulated* however, I dunno. We can't even really manipulate gravity, and we sorta understand more of it as a force.
Would you write off anti grav propulsion so easily?

Gravity isn't a perception.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
(Whispers back)
Everything is a construct.
--- merged: Jan 2, 2013 at 4:26 AM ---

Traveled, perhaps, we do it all the time in dreams and such (yes yes, not physically), *manipulated* however, I dunno. We can't even really manipulate gravity, and we sorta understand more of it as a force.
Would you write off anti grav propulsion so easily?

If you look at what you think of as the "past" (the passed) and the "future", you will realize that they do not exist. Only the present exists, Our sleep cycles give the perception of "time" as do our memories and calendars and watches and clocks. The rotational cycle of this planet reinforces this perception of time as well. There is no real sunset or sunrise, there is just the Sun shining continuously with the planet rotating in its rays. Unlike gravity or matter or energy which do exist and are not perceptions (overtly that is).


Well Known GateFan
I still remember how proud I was with my scientifically simpleton self when, years ago, a friend explained to me that time is dimensional in that it can't exist without space to measure it in and I sorta grasped what she was saying. (I'm sure I'm not explaining that properly so forgive me any mistakes there.) What I mean is that time is a unit of measurement for space. It can't exist outside of space. It can't exist as a sole entity (especially being a construct).

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I still remember how proud I was with my scientifically simpleton self when, years ago, a friend explained to me that time is dimensional in that it can't exist without space to measure it in and I sorta grasped what she was saying. (I'm sure I'm not explaining that properly so forgive me any mistakes there.) What I mean is that time is a unit of measurement for space. It can't exist outside of space. It can't exist as a sole entity (especially being a construct).

This knowledge puts the way you look at older calendar systems in perspective. They were not measuring time. They were measuring celestial configurations and cyclic events relevant to THIS planet. All of our timekeeping devices would be meaningless on Mars or even the Moon.