Doctor Who - Mini Episode - Written by Kids


Well Known GateFan
What do you guys think? I thought it was cheesy but I guess that's expected by school children. I hope the new episodes are a lot darker and more for a older audience. The new episodes seem to be aimed at more kids though.


Objects may be closer than they appear
What do you guys think? I thought it was cheesy but I guess that's expected by school children. I hope the new episodes are a lot darker and more for a older audience. The new episodes seem to be aimed at more kids though.

Where did the British athlete get that gold medal? :ronnon_whistling:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
What do you guys think? I thought it was cheesy but I guess that's expected by school children. I hope the new episodes are a lot darker and more for a older audience. The new episodes seem to be aimed at more kids though.

That was written? :topsy_turvy: I thought it was done well for what it was supposed to be, but it sure was disjointed. The Tardis is adjusted to do an adventure every week, and then there is an olympic runner who accidentally enters the ship, with the Olympic Torch, nobody sees it, a statue comes into the ship which has some sort of powers, then is destroyed then comes back...hmmm. Some story! I have to assume these kids are in elementary or pre-school? :P


What ship is this?
Staff member
Yes this is YOUNG kids. The whole thing was a contest to help a charity.

The actual Doctor Who is rather a lot more sophisticated. And this season we will have some changes as Amy and Rory are leaving (so a new companion is coming aboard) and also there is the whole fact of everyone except a select few thinking the Doctor is dead. So there will be the element in his adventures now of him trying to avoid the limelight and avoid people knowing just who he is - which is a throwback to early Who with the air of mystery around the Doctor.