DEFIANCE game and TV show - sink or swim?


Well Known GateFan
Makes me wonder how much the companion game is informing the style and premise of the show. There's a "western" element to a lot of futuristic, dystopian games.


Sinister Swede
Just saw the pilot and hereby declare this show to be highly mediocre! I couldn't even be bothered to get annoyed at the really clichéd bits. Though that's was probably because there's so damn many of 'em. Even the characters. Scruffy loner secretly with a heart of gold, sassy young companion/protege, sassy doctor, romeo and juliet, inexperienced leader, lady macbeth, etc. That's honestly what I call the characters in my head since I can't even be bothered to remember their names.

I might continue watching it if I can't find anything better to do, but I probably won't.


Well Known GateFan
Just saw the pilot and hereby declare this show to be highly mediocre! I couldn't even be bothered to get annoyed at the really clichéd bits. Though that's was probably because there's so damn many of 'em. Even the characters. Scruffy loner secretly with a heart of gold, sassy young companion/protege, sassy doctor, romeo and juliet, inexperienced leader, lady macbeth, etc. That's honestly what I call the characters in my head since I can't even be bothered to remember their names.

I might continue watching it if I can't find anything better to do, but I probably won't.

That pretty much sums it up. :beckett_new049:


Well Known GateFan
Oh hell....Im only three minutes into this thing and I have stopped it to write this. :facepalm: I will edit it as I go along, but damn...the song in the car and the stupid chick wearing contacts, is she an alien? It reminds me of Roswell already. THREE minutes. Back into the episode...

man-i gave everyone a warning a while back when i posted the first 14 minutes:rolleye0014:
--- merged: Apr 17, 2013 at 11:37 AM ---
I wonder how the NuBSG and SGU fanbois will take to this? syfy has brought back the rubber faced aliens and standard cardboard cutout characters they claimed to hate so much.

you see i knew all along there was an ulterior motive in the existence of FACEOFF-"homegrown" makeup artists with cheesy backstories to their 'creations'

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
OH MY GOD. What did I just watch? This show...its just :confused0006:. I guess today's writers think they can just take previously established genres/story ideas and reskin them with some latex and CGI and some "alien" language, and we get something entirely new? The overwhelming feel of this show is Old West. From the cheesy brothel scenes to the fight club to the clothing and the look of the town. The dialogue could have come right out of Bonanza or Gunsmoke. :facepalm:. The premise is so weakly introduced that it never becomes clear, and the "aliens" are way WAY too earthbound to be taken seriously. Are we (the catatonic, lobotomized audience) supposed to believe that these aliens came from millions of light years away on giant starship arks and brought earth-style philosophy, religion and behavior with them? The story is being told by an alien girl who keeps a freakin diary made of paper???

They aren't even trying. I dont like this show, and I probably wont like it. Too many things wrong with it. That means any interest in the game is also extinguished. But hey, this is Syfy so what did I expect? After watching it, I cannot think of a single character in this show that is appealing or believable. Oh, and this is NOT science fiction, it is a western drama. Any resemblence to scifi is unintentional. ;) :McKayrolleyes:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
man-i gave everyone a warning a while back when i posted the first 14 minutes:rolleye0014:
--- merged: Apr 17, 2013 at 11:37 AM ---

you see i knew all along there was an ulterior motive in the existence of FACEOFF-"homegrown" makeup artists with cheesy backstories to their 'creations'

Yes, you did. :) But I would say that was about 10 minutes longer than it needed to take. :anim_59: Right from the beginning with the kid standing in the park watching the giant ships coming in from overhead, and not running for his little life whilst pissing his pants. Really? And how did it happen as a surprise with all the satellites and telescopes looking out in space for asteroids and other potential impact bodies? Then, it says "33 years later" and we have earth changed by "terraformers" and society has regressed to a society model from 1850?


The "aliens" are so pathetically half-assed, they just dont cut it. So just how good can the game be?


My avatar speaks for itself.
OH MY GOD. What did I just watch? This show...its just :confused0006:. I guess today's writers think they can just take previously established genres/story ideas and reskin them with some latex and CGI and some "alien" language, and we get something entirely new? The overwhelming feel of this show is Old West. From the cheesy brothel scenes to the fight club to the clothing and the look of the town. The dialogue could have come right out of Bonanza or Gunsmoke. :facepalm:. The premise is so weakly introduced that it never becomes clear, and the "aliens" are way WAY too earthbound to be taken seriously. Are we (the catatonic, lobotomized audience) supposed to believe that these aliens came from millions of light years away on giant starship arks and brought earth-style philosophy, religion and behavior with them? The story is being told by an alien girl who keeps a freakin diary made of paper???

They aren't even trying. I dont like this show, and I probably wont like it. Too many things wrong with it. That means any interest in the game is also extinguished. But hey, this is Syfy so what did I expect? After watching it, I cannot think of a single character in this show that is appealing or believable. Oh, and this is NOT science fiction, it is a western drama. Any resemblence to scifi is unintentional. ;) :McKayrolleyes:
told ya.


Well Known GateFan
Yes, you did. :) But I would say that was about 10 minutes longer than it needed to take. :anim_59: Right from the beginning with the kid standing in the park watching the giant ships coming in from overhead, and not running for his little life whilst pissing his pants. Really? And how did it happen as a surprise with all the satellites and telescopes looking out in space for asteroids and other potential impact bodies? Then, it says "33 years later" and we have earth changed by "terraformers" and society has regressed to a society model from 1850?


The "aliens" are so pathetically half-assed, they just dont cut it. So just how good can the game be?

oh you remind me of another "lifted" scene reworked for this--the kid in the park watching the ship and little ETTA in the park watching the Observers arrival in FRINGE....

on the money, i suppose one could be very cynical and say TPTB and their overlords are trying to impart on the kiddies that cash and financial transactions are the most high and mighty and always will be

like i said,IMO, it is a huge mix of TPTB sci fi favs (whole shows,movies or just scenes) reworked for their purposes. they are trying to reach the younger fanbase who of course in all likelihood do not have the same frame of reference (of old sci fi) like we do-and hence, will not call their BS and eat it up
thats why i think the show will stay on


Objects may be closer than they appear
For a 2 hour show it felt more like 3 hours to me.


Objects may be closer than they appear


Objects may be closer than they appear
Filling a Hi Ball glass to the rim with bourbon tends to help. :winking0052:

I'm still wondering how after two hours I know so little about this show's universe. But I did catch that the aliens were using the good single malt for "paint removal". I guess the terra forming machines can raise mountains but are ineffective against paint.


Well Known GateFan
k i watched it... or rather i ff'd thru most of it but yeah my oppinion hasnt changed its SHITE!

Yes, but in your eloquent opinion, why is is shite? :D


My avatar speaks for itself.
Yes, but in your eloquent opinion, why is is shite? :D
can i be lazy and just bold certain things from other peoples posts? its far easier then me writing something of my own and get flak for harsh language by you sissy bitches on the council ;)


Well Known GateFan
I'm still wondering how after two hours I know so little about this show's universe. But I did catch that the aliens were using the good single malt for "paint removal". I guess the terra forming machines can raise mountains but are ineffective against paint.

Apparently they're going to take their time parceling out the premise of the story. Personally I think this is dumb but I'm not the one writing the show. If I was I'd be rich and living in Hollywood and I'd be neck-deep in big-breasted, hot bitches -- and I don't even like bitches, but they come with the salary so there's not much I could do about it. Catch 22 no matter how you slice it. :moody:
--- merged: Apr 17, 2013 at 10:00 PM ---
can i be lazy and just bold certain things from other peoples posts? its far easier then me writing something of my own and get flak for harsh language by you sissy bitches on the council ;)

Baby, your "harsh language" is like fertilizer in this place, it makes the threads grow. :winking0052::anim_59:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Apparently they're going to take their time parceling out the premise of the story. Personally I think this is dumb but I'm not the one writing the show. If I was I'd be rich and living in Hollywood and I'd be neck-deep in big-breasted, hot bitches -- and I don't even like bitches, but they come with the salary so there's not much I could do about it. Catch 22 no matter how you slice it. :moody:
--- merged: Apr 17, 2013 at 10:00 PM ---

Baby, your "harsh language" is like fertilizer in this place, it makes the threads grow. :winking0052::anim_59:

Bolded 1...Ya think that they would have learned by now that the audience can see that when writers of these insipid shows talk about an "unraveling premise" that they really mean "making it up as they go along". :rolleyes: :icon_lol: Brad Wright knew that trick well. Why do they think they have time to do this? They better start filling in the blanks very quickly. I bet those impressive ratings of 2.27 million will drop to about 1 million next episode.

Bolded 2



Well Known GateFan
Give it 6 eps dude, 6 eps and you can begin to see a trend, before that you are jumping the gun.


Bolded 1...Ya think that they would have learned by now that the audience can see that when writers of these insipid shows talk about an "unraveling premise" that they really mean "making it up as they go along". :rolleyes: :icon_lol: Brad Wright knew that trick well. Why do they think they have time to do this? They better start filling in the blanks very quickly. I bet those impressive ratings of 2.27 million will drop to about 1 million next episode.

Bolded 2


Need the crystal ball back for this show. next week will be 1.99