DEFIANCE game and TV show - sink or swim?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I can believe that at least one car (if not more) were spared during the terra-forming. If the St. Louis arch survived then surely some cars could have also. So that doesn't bother me much. (What does bother me is the alien's aping of human behavior -- that just doesn't make sense.)

I'm a bit confused by that. If the St Louis arch not only survived but is (from what I recall) completely visible, why is so much of what used to be old St Louis buried in a cavernous underground intact?

As for the gasoline aspect, there are kits to convert gasoline engines to diesel (this included motorcycles) and you can make diesel out of many things. Hell, Nazi Germany made it out of coal believe it or not). So having a fuel source isn't that hard to believe.

There would be an issue with parts and maintenance in the long run, but it is entirely possible to have a working car 30 years in the future despite not having an auto industry.

Plus the car would have to stay within the city of Defiance as it's assumed there would be no roads easily traversed by a car in the outside world. And from the looks of the city itself there really isn't many places a car could go, so it wouldn't be getting a lot of wear and tear.

But then again, what do I know? I'm just a hater. :moody:

Screw that! Why aren't they running on water or tea or urine?



Well Known GateFan
my question is-how did that car make it to this time? and in very good condition as well? and "we" are still making gasoline? i thought "Everything" was changed/destroyed from war/terraforming?

oh well....
--- merged: May 8, 2013 at 8:10 AM ---

They rented it from the vintage car store just around the corner from the brothel . There is also gas pump on the set so they must have some gas left over lol !!!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
They rented it from the vintage car store just around the corner from the brothel . There is also gas pump on the set so they must have some gas left over lol !!!

And of course, using the gas for cruising around Defiance checkin out the babes and smuggling is far more important than fueling armed vehicles like Nolan's "roller" or perhaps a generator or a tank, right? :McKayrolleyes: :bored:


Well Known GateFan
I would be willing to bet money that it gets a second season...they will spin it as a 'renewal", but I believe it was in the contract from the gate. I just finished watching it all the way through. This writing is piss poor and just forgets completely the 21st century world we live in today. They have cars from the 1970s, and manage to have early 20th century furniture and lamps...:facepalm:. The characters are no better than what was in the westerns of the 1960s. Shallow and predictable. And the use of money in Defiance is the plot vehicle for these stories. What is giving this money value? What is being mined in that mine?

Its really bad right now. I dont see how they can fix it...this show so reminds me of the fatal flaws of SGU!
--- merged: May 7, 2013 at 11:05 PM ---

What is forgettable? :P
--- merged: May 7, 2013 at 11:09 PM ---

They just threw him in there. Im getting a distinct "OMG I wish I was Firefly" feel from the way this show is set up, but the writing is too dumb and there are too many characters and they are all dumb. Too much stupid stuff going on in the background too. If there is a shield across the mine entrance, then there is power to light up the place and they are wearing head torches. The alien wife of Datak is supposed to be weaving something with things on her fingers, but she just taps away at it weaving nothing. :facepalm:. The music choices, the look of the sets...its just wrong.

Dude--you are such a bitter viewer!!!



Well Known GateFan
I can believe that at least one car (if not more) were spared during the terra-forming. If the St. Louis arch survived then surely some cars could have also. So that doesn't bother me much. (What does bother me is the alien's aping of human behavior -- that just doesn't make sense.)

As for the gasoline aspect, there are kits to convert gasoline engines to diesel (this included motorcycles) and you can make diesel out of many things. Hell, Nazi Germany made it out of coal believe it or not). So having a fuel source isn't that hard to believe.

There would be an issue with parts and maintenance in the long run, but it is entirely possible to have a working car 30 years in the future despite not having an auto industry.

Plus the car would have to stay within the city of Defiance as it's assumed there would be no roads easily traversed by a car in the outside world. And from the looks of the city itself there really isn't many places a car could go, so it wouldn't be getting a lot of wear and tear.

But then again, what do I know? I'm just a hater. :moody:

yeah but how old would this car be by this time frame? it is already like 40+ yrs old now, i think it would be more like a ford fusion or some other new car of today having a far better shot of "surviving" till that time just from shear numbers

but that car just made a cool "pimp daddy" plot device didn't it?

and why is nearly every human in town white with only a few exceptions? casting issues or social statement?


Well Known GateFan
yeah but how old would this car be by this time frame? it is already like 40+ yrs old now, i think it would be more like a ford fusion or some other new car of today having a far better shot of "surviving" till that time just from shear numbers

but that car just made a cool "pimp daddy" plot device didn't it?

and why is nearly every human in town white with only a few exceptions? casting issues or social statement?

You make good points. I can suggest though that a classic car has far less complex components than a Ford Fusion has. No computer junk. No fuel injection that is controlled by circuitry. Just the basics which would be easier to maintain in that kind of world. I'm no gear head but I do try to do as much maintenance on my cars by myself as possible and I know that the cars we are producing now are harder to work on when it comes to all the required computer circuitry. Sometimes I'm actually nostalgic for a carburetor to clean out during a tune-up in the garage, but those days are gone. :moody:

But yes, the car did make what the writers thought was a cool pimp daddy image. Truth is though, it was just lame.


Well Known GateFan
And that's its Achilles heel. It's not engaging enough to be memorable. Grant Bowler is well cast but he's not given anything to sink his teeth into. We don't know much about his character and we don't really see any emotional connections with others including with his pseudo daughter. Their camaraderie seems to be something they allude to but never really show much of. It's hard to get a sense of a familial relationship with those two.

And Jaime Murray, amazing actress that she is, manages to make her character shine but everyone who surrounds her is just so blah. It's like her talents are being wasted. :(

From what I can gather he is ex military and he killed her family and felt guilty so took the little mutant in and quit the military .

Yes she is amazing and was so close to my house I could almost touch her ,,,aaaaahhh ,,,to be young again and rich so I could woo her :) :) :) I just love British Girls
--- merged: May 9, 2013 at 2:23 PM ---
And of course, using the gas for cruising around Defiance checkin out the babes and smuggling is far more important than fueling armed vehicles like Nolan's "roller" or perhaps a generator or a tank, right? :McKayrolleyes: :bored:

Of course !!! Nothin like cruisin on a Saturday night with a mutant girl by your side takin in the sites :icon_e_ugeek: :icon_e_ugeek: :icon_e_ugeek:

Come see our town:welcomewagon:


Well Known GateFan
I'm a bit confused by that. If the St Louis arch not only survived but is (from what I recall) completely visible, why is so much of what used to be old St Louis buried in a cavernous underground intact?

Screw that! Why aren't they running on water or tea or urine?

oh ok

with the japanese h2o car--thats a whole thread on its own aint it?

and just why are we not hearing more on this? i mean we get japanese car "advances" like stupid gimmicky computer screens for the radio and other bs, why do we not hear about this?

how long ago was this? what is the status now? Is it safe to have a hydrogen extractor/generator in your backseat (i guess that is relative since every time we are in our car we are basically at the helm of a controlled explosion going down the road at speeds that a small "slip" would constitute disaster)

do we not hear of this or is it being "Suppressed" for valid reasons or does the auto and oil industry just feel threatened enough to commit "infanticide" on it?

And another question while I am up on my rickety, duct taped together soap box that OMNI despises so much...

almost 30 yrs ago now-while in Korea, they were driving around a lot of LNG powered cars--taxis, buses, personal owned cars. they were very powerful but seemed to do well, low emissions, little to no noise, etc
why have we never seen LNG powered cars in the US? The oil and gas industry could make a good amount now-especially since fracking has made available much more domestic Nat gas.

Please answer me Bluce Kenobi..your my only hope!

:samanime20: :D

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
Screw that! Why aren't they running on water or tea or urine?

For the same reason one cannot now run a car on water, tea, or urine. I thought that OM1 was supposed to talk about this pseudo-scientific crap.
--- merged: May 9, 2013 at 7:46 PM ---
almost 30 yrs ago now-while in Korea, they were driving around a lot of LNG powered cars--taxis, buses, personal owned cars. they were very powerful but seemed to do well, low emissions, little to no noise, etc
why have we never seen LNG powered cars in the US? The oil and gas industry could make a good amount now-especially since fracking has made available much more domestic Nat gas.

I was under the impression that T. Boone Pickens was trying to convert the diesel truck fleet into LNG-diesels. The engine modifications are trivial; the big change is creating a series of LNG stations across the US.

With OMNI's absence, I will bother you. Is there a medical reason why you are not using capital letters?

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
You make good points. I can suggest though that a classic car has far less complex components than a Ford Fusion has. No computer junk. No fuel injection that is controlled by circuitry. Just the basics which would be easier to maintain in that kind of world. I'm no gear head but I do try to do as much maintenance on my cars by myself as possible and I know that the cars we are producing now are harder to work on when it comes to all the required computer circuitry. Sometimes I'm actually nostalgic for a carburetor to clean out during a tune-up in the garage, but those days are gone. :moody:

But yes, the car did make what the writers thought was a cool pimp daddy image. Truth is though, it was just lame.

While I would rather not have all of the electronic junk in cars, the newer cars and trucks with all of the electronic junk run about 3 times as long (expressed as miles) as the old, pre-electronic junk cars. The classic cars you see at shows and on TV are never operated on a daily basis.


Well Known GateFan
While I would rather not have all of the electronic junk in cars, the newer cars and trucks with all of the electronic junk run about 3 times as long (expressed as miles) as the old, pre-electronic junk cars. The classic cars you see at shows and on TV are never operated on a daily basis.

True, but you can still get a model-T working now if you try. I am not surprised that as an engineer you appreciate that fact Jim.


Well Known GateFan
For the same reason one cannot now run a car on water, tea, or urine. I thought that OM1 was supposed to talk about this pseudo-scientific crap.
--- merged: May 9, 2013 at 7:46 PM ---

I was under the impression that T. Boone Pickens was trying to convert the diesel truck fleet into LNG-diesels. The engine modifications are trivial; the big change is creating a series of LNG stations across the US.

With OMNI's absence, I will bother you. Is there a medical reason why you are not using capital letters?

yes now that you mention it--my arthritic conditions make it far easier to just type through without the change up. in fact, it would,be even better if i just stopped using any oftheconventionsofwritingnoperiodsapostrophescommasquestionmarksspacesorthelike

the korean cars of that time were made at the factory to burn LNG, they even had the tanks in the trunk or hatchback. which was a bit disconcerting if you were a passenger in the backseat of a hatchback taxi.

I have not heard any of T. Boone's plan since the presidential election. it seems to have fluttered away. there is no a shrinking demand for nat gas; don't know about WVa, but up here the frac activity has all but dried up. The low demad/low price created a near halt in drilling. The only new wells still being frac'd are the ones that were under contract prior to the drop in price/demand. Of course-any big rise in interest in nat gas power or a solid plan for vehicle production/modification and a distro system would probably cause a rise in price.

it is pretty sad on a side note. thankfully no one around here did it, but places like Wellsboro, PA and some other towns in central pa, bought into the gas industry line of "economic boom" bs. They have built new motels/hotels, clamored for new restaurants and other service industry to support the "Coming boom" but it all fizzled even BEFORE the drop in demand. The political idiots bought the industry sales pitch and invested in this buildup, falling to realize that drilling for nat gas actually involves few people and that once a well is frac'd and drilled and piped up, that's it-no more need be done. they are not like oil wells that require a bit more attention.

Ironically/luckily, the only areas that did no this and didn't buy in are those counties (mine is one) where traditional gas and oil drilling has been going on since the "discovery" of oil. The oil refineries and support industries of Bradford and Warren PA, were not snookered by this nugas 'craze'. but we were smart enough to assess the "impact fee" on their frac'ing asses as soon as we were able to :encouragement:

Was that a long enough response for you? or perhaps it was just a bit too pithy?


Well Known GateFan
I'm a bit confused by that. If the St Louis arch not only survived but is (from what I recall) completely visible, why is so much of what used to be old St Louis buried in a cavernous underground intact?
Why does the Golden Gate Bridge still exist in the game?

Please tell me you know what symbolism is yeah??

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
yes now that you mention it--my arthritic conditions make it far easier to just type through without the change up. in fact, it would,be even better if i just stopped using any oftheconventionsofwritingnoperiodsapostrophescommasquestionmarksspacesorthelike

the korean cars of that time were made at the factory to burn LNG, they even had the tanks in the trunk or hatchback. which was a bit disconcerting if you were a passenger in the backseat of a hatchback taxi.

I have not heard any of T. Boone's plan since the presidential election. it seems to have fluttered away. there is no a shrinking demand for nat gas; don't know about WVa, but up here the frac activity has all but dried up. The low demad/low price created a near halt in drilling. The only new wells still being frac'd are the ones that were under contract prior to the drop in price/demand. Of course-any big rise in interest in nat gas power or a solid plan for vehicle production/modification and a distro system would probably cause a rise in price.

it is pretty sad on a side note. thankfully no one around here did it, but places like Wellsboro, PA and some other towns in central pa, bought into the gas industry line of "economic boom" bs. They have built new motels/hotels, clamored for new restaurants and other service industry to support the "Coming boom" but it all fizzled even BEFORE the drop in demand. The political idiots bought the industry sales pitch and invested in this buildup, falling to realize that drilling for nat gas actually involves few people and that once a well is frac'd and drilled and piped up, that's it-no more need be done. they are not like oil wells that require a bit more attention.

Ironically/luckily, the only areas that did no this and didn't buy in are those counties (mine is one) where traditional gas and oil drilling has been going on since the "discovery" of oil. The oil refineries and support industries of Bradford and Warren PA, were not snookered by this nugas 'craze'. but we were smart enough to assess the "impact fee" on their frac'ing asses as soon as we were able to :encouragement:

Was that a long enough response for you? or perhaps it was just a bit too pithy?

The fracking business in WV is still going strong, but there has not been a corresponding build up around the centers of activity because these people have seen it all before with the coal industry. Natural gas is nearly an employee-less industry relative to coal and oil, so the changes have been nearly invisible.

I would like to see more LNG use in transportation though.
--- merged: May 9, 2013 at 8:26 PM ---
Why does the Golden Gate Bridge still exist in the game?

Please tell me you know what symbolism is yeah??

So, you admit that you have played the game?

Yes, you are correct. With the radical changes made to Earth's surface, both the St. Louis arch and the Golden Gate Bridge would have been toast.


Well Known GateFan
Just so I am clear, LNG is liquefied natural gas yes?
--- merged: May 9, 2013 at 8:35 PM ---
So, you admit that you have played the game?
Nope, just read about it and watched the trailers enough to know where it is set dude.
The only game I am currently playing is SW:TOR and a bit of Tekken when I wanna play a old skool fight game. (I will admit to playing the WWE game as well, but the story mode is crap unfortunately :( )

Yes, you are correct. With the radical changes made to Earth's surface, both the St. Louis arch and the Golden Gate Bridge would have been toast.

Yup, they are symbols of............Defiance? :P

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
For the same reason one cannot now run a car on water, tea, or urine. I thought that OM1 was supposed to talk about this pseudo-scientific crap.

If you spent as much time researching and discussing real scientific and theoretical advances as you do dissecting sarcastic posts, you might actually become a little more interesting.
--- merged: May 9, 2013 at 9:23 PM ---
Why does the Golden Gate Bridge still exist in the game?

Please tell me you know what symbolism is yeah??

Yeah but burying the entire city under ground implies hundreds of feet of dirt and debris. But, in a cavernous underground? That means the debris is high and stable and hollow.

Symbolism works just fine with consistency and an element of realism. Remember this?


--- merged: May 9, 2013 at 9:33 PM ---
oh ok

with the japanese h2o car--thats a whole thread on its own aint it?

and just why are we not hearing more on this? i mean we get japanese car "advances" like stupid gimmicky computer screens for the radio and other bs, why do we not hear about this?

how long ago was this? what is the status now? Is it safe to have a hydrogen extractor/generator in your backseat (i guess that is relative since every time we are in our car we are basically at the helm of a controlled explosion going down the road at speeds that a small "slip" would constitute disaster)

do we not hear of this or is it being "Suppressed" for valid reasons or does the auto and oil industry just feel threatened enough to commit "infanticide" on it?

And another question while I am up on my rickety, duct taped together soap box that OMNI despises so much...

almost 30 yrs ago now-while in Korea, they were driving around a lot of LNG powered cars--taxis, buses, personal owned cars. they were very powerful but seemed to do well, low emissions, little to no noise, etc
why have we never seen LNG powered cars in the US? The oil and gas industry could make a good amount now-especially since fracking has made available much more domestic Nat gas.

Please answer me Bluce Kenobi..your my only hope!

:samanime20: :D

Big oil and car industry are in bed together. Kill the gasoline engine and you take with it the car parts market, which is a huge industry in and of itself. This is the main reason why hydrogen fuel cell technology, which has been around since before I was born (1839), has never reached mass production. Hydrogen fuel pumps can extract hydrogen on-site without requiring long-haul tanker trucks. This is already a reality in the Scandinavian region with what they call the Hydrogen Highway.

Hydrogen fuel cell cars parked in the driveway can, in turn, power your home, which would cut into the power company profits.

None of this is pseudo-bullshit, either. This is all very real. If you need links, I can dig up a ton of them for you but Googling "hydrogen fuel cell" will bring up enough results on the subject to keep you busy for weeks.

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan

Big oil and car industry are in bed together. Kill the gasoline engine and you take with it the car parts market, which is a huge industry in and of itself. This is the main reason why hydrogen fuel cell technology, which has been around since before I was born (1839), has never reached mass production. Hydrogen fuel pumps can extract hydrogen on-site without requiring long-haul tanker trucks. This is already a reality in the Scandinavian region with what they call the Hydrogen Highway. Hydrogen fuel cell cars parked in the driveway can, in turn, power your home, which would cut into the power company profits.

None of this is pseudo-bullshit, either. This is all very real. If you need links, I can dig up a ton of them for you but Googling "hydrogen fuel cell" will bring up enough results on the subject to keep you busy for weeks.

You and Undermind None are two peas in a pod. The reason why we do not have methane or hydrogen fuel cells in the home is that it is quite difficult to get one to operate with commercially available sources of methane or hydrogen. If you electrolysis hydrogen and oxygen and then use a fuel cell to generate electricity from their combination, you waste electricity, not generate electricity. Your power bill would be greater, not reduced. All of this free energy bullshit is trying to do is to overthrow the laws of thermodynamics, which cannot be done.
--- merged: May 9, 2013 at 9:55 PM ---
Just so I am clear, LNG is liquefied natural gas yes?

Yes, LNG is commercially available liquefied natural gas (methane). LPG is commercially available liquefied petroleum gas (propane). Some people say that the Saturn V boosters should have been powered with either methane or propane because they are cheaper and we have more experience handling those gases in liquid form.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
You and Undermind None are two peas in a pod. The reason why we do not have methane or hydrogen fuel cells in the home is that it is quite difficult to get one to operate with commercially available sources of methane or hydrogen. If you electrolysis hydrogen and oxygen and then use a fuel cell to generate electricity from their combination, you waste electricity, not generate electricity. Your power bill would be greater, not reduced. All of this free energy bullshit is trying to do is to overthrow the laws of thermodynamics, which cannot be done.

This is bullshit, Jim! Bluce did not mention methane fuel cells which to me would be stupid because you have to expend energy liquefying methane to give any range to the engine. Hydrogen fuel cells need only water to react, and solar energy to create the reaction. The basic process is this:


Where in this process does a second party get an opportunity to bill you? How can your "power bill" be higher if it does not exist? :anim_59:. The home setup would be this:


This technology was made available way back in 2008:

You just posted that unsupported opinion from your backside. Where in the fuel cell charging and spending cycle does anyone get a chance to bill you? The only cost I see is the initial investment in equipment. I can imagine a transitional period where the prohibitive cost of implementation might allow companies to "lease" or rent the setup for a time. But with expansion comes lower costs and the potential to invest in owning the equipment. The government could tax ownership, I suppose. But your "scientific" explanation is pure bullshit.