DAMN! I freakin hate vegans.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I dont really hate vegans, just the uber-militant ones.

I just had the worst lunch meeting I have had in ages. Why? Because the representative (selling cloud services) was a vegan. She took us to this totally crappy vegan restaurant and the "food" they served seemed either tasteless or had an odd taste/texture like eating a bug or the insides of a fish. HORRIBLE. She was wearing these weird earrings which were seeds from some kind of tropical plant, and they looked like dead beetles with the legs pulled off. She smelled faintly of pachouli :facepalm: I have nothing against vegans until they start chastising me for my beloved "animal products". The fossil records show that humans have been eating meat since before Homo Sapiens.


I was visibly annoyed, and although my co-worker was polite and ate his food, he was annoyed too (told me via text while we were sitting at the table). I texted him back "this is not gonna fly" and we both laughed aloud. Towards the end of the meeting, she asked if I enjoyed the food and I was honest and said "I am really not into vegan dishes, but the restaurant is nice". She went into a drawn out rant about "animal products" and how she sometimes feels "physically ill" when she sees people eating steaks (which sounds great right about now). WTF? HORRIBLE MEETING. This would have gone much better if the meeting was in our office conference room with just water and soft drinks and a few snacks. She blew it.

Needless to say, her materials never made it to my desk. I dunno, is it fair to decide to use or not to use a vendor or service based on the behavior of the sales representative? I think it is. Thoughts?


Council Member & Author
I wouldn't base it on that no.
However, her going off on you about non-vegan food choices shows that she's not very good at keeping her personal and professional life separate, and that's a valid reason for choosing to not use what she has to offer.

From what I can see of what you said, you didn't say anything "explosive". There was NO reason for her to start a rant.

Does that make sense to you?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I wouldn't base it on that no.
However, her going off on you about non-vegan food choices shows that she's not very good at keeping her personal and professional life separate, and that's a valid reason for choosing to not use what she has to offer.

From what I can see of what you said, you didn't say anything "explosive". There was NO reason for her to start a rant.

Does that make sense to you?

It makes sense, yes. But the company needed to be a bit more accomodating. Vegans already know that they are not mainstream. They already know that MOST people are omnivores and eat meat. I resent being denied choices. She could have ordered vegan at a normal restaurant...but wait, she would have felt "physically ill" from seeing me eat a steak?

It seemed to me she thought she was somehow "civilizing" us meat eating savages. Its hard to describe the expressions she had on her face as she put the forkfuls of food in her mouth. Like she was eating the Food of the Gods. She would roll her eyes up to the sky as if to say "OMG, I am in heaven". Meanwhile, I am trying to choke it down and make it stay down. :facepalm:. I thought it inappropriate to invite us to a lunch meeting at a non-traditional restaurant. She might as well have taken us to an insectivore cafe. It definitely distracted the purpose of the meeting which was to sell her services. If I were her, I would have had a normal, expected meeting in our meeting rooms like all of the other vendors do. It seems that some of these sales people think that "green services" and vegan foods and driving a Prius is going to enhance their chances. After all, its all the rage in the hipster communities. IT companies are not buying politics, they are buying technology. There are too many other vendors out there selling the same services and who will enjoy eating steak.

I posted this because a little voice is saying "that is not fair", but the louder little voice is saying "dont buy services from this freak". :P


Council Member & Author
I'm not justifying her actions, and in fact, am saying that she should have kept her "sick to my stomach" response out of the conversation, entirely.

THAT is why I (in your place) would not choose to do business with her.

She can be a vegan if she likes, but I don't like, so don't openly criticize me for wanting to eat a cow, chickie. (which I probably would have said to her out loud)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I'm not justifying her actions, and in fact, am saying that she should have kept her "sick to my stomach" response out of the conversation, entirely.

THAT is why I (in your place) would not choose to do business with her.

She can be a vegan if she likes, but I don't like, so don't openly criticize me for wanting to eat a cow, chickie. (which I probably would have said to her out loud)

EXACTLY. If I were selling services to a client, I would avoid the following:

Talking about politics
Talking about religion
Talking about sex
Talking about sports

The whole vegan/carnivore thing is not even on the list because I do not foresee anybody doing this sort of thing again. But it will stick in my head as a first.


Council Member & Author
EXACTLY. If I were selling services to a client, I would avoid the following:

Talking about politics
Talking about religion
Talking about sex
Talking about sports

The whole vegan/carnivore thing is not even on the list because I do not foresee anybody doing this sort of thing again. But it will stick in my head as a first.
Well, for vegans, it IS political, so you might consider that it's there already.


Well Known GateFan
I'm confused (big surprise). She was trying to sell you a service, is that right? You weren't courting her for business, she was courting you?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Well, for vegans, it IS political, so you might consider that it's there already.

You do have a point, Wise One. :) Maybe because I have gone through this sort of thing being a smoker of cigarettes (going to quit soon), I feel sensitized to the behavior. Its exactly the same, with people fake coughing half a block away when they see me light a smoke. :rolleye0014:. Now, do I react to vendors who show this behavior just because I now have the power of "No"? I think I am experiencing an ethical conflict. :confused0006: My colleague did take the materials, so she is not out of the ballpark. :icon_cool:
--- merged: Jan 25, 2013 at 5:47 PM ---
I'm confused (big surprise). She was trying to sell you a service, is that right? You weren't courting her for business, she was courting you?

Yes. I attended a network security conference last Wednesday, and the vendors from that conference are all reaching out. We have only responded to those who are offering services we will be utilizing in the next 6 months, so they are all giving us a shot. Ultimately, it comes down to price/services vs ease of doing business. To me, her whole vegan restaurant and "green services" pitch was part of the presentation, and for me it was a fail. The service they are offering can be gotten cheaper. They try to create value in being "green" and vegan and oh so hip, and it fell flat to me.



has nothing to do with this.......


Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I'd get a few drinks in her then casually lead the conversation toward sex and ask if she swallows. If she says "yes" then I'd point out her hypocrisy because whether she's eating dead cow or digesting millions of live human proto-babies it amounts to the same thing, get up and storm out mumbling loudly how some people selectively choose when to adhere to their principles.


Council Member & Author
I'd get a few drinks in her then casually lead the conversation toward sex and ask if she swallows. If she says "yes" then I'd point out her hypocrisy because whether she's eating dead cow or digesting millions of live human proto-babies it amounts to the same thing, get up and storm out mumbling loudly how some people selectively choose when to adhere to their principles.
The only reason you'd get away with that is because those particular tadpoles didn't give their permission to be consumed.

That said, a vegan would support cannibalism IF the person being cannibalized gave permission beforehand for that to happen.

Yes, really. Pretty gross, though.


Well Known GateFan
Yes. I attended a network security conference last Wednesday, and the vendors from that conference are all reaching out. We have only responded to those who are offering services we will be utilizing in the next 6 months, so they are all giving us a shot. Ultimately, it comes down to price/services vs ease of doing business. To me, her whole vegan restaurant and "green services" pitch was part of the presentation, and for me it was a fail. The service they are offering can be gotten cheaper. They try to create value in being "green" and vegan and oh so hip, and it fell flat to me.


View attachment 27731

has nothing to do with this.......

View attachment 27732

See, I just don't understand that lack of business sense. If I was trying to get your business the last thing I would do is force you to partake in a neurotic fetish of mine (truthfully I have none ;) ), especially one that had nothing to do with the business at hand. It makes no sense. What a loon. Personally I'd take this experience as a red flag and I'd give this chick a wide berth.

*And for the record I love meat! Red meat in particular. Hell, I'm waking up early tomorrow to run over to Fresh Market to take advantage of a one day sale they've got on NY Strips. The grill's gonna be hot on Saturday night! :drunk:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
EXACTLY. If I were selling services to a client, I would avoid the following:

Talking about politics
Talking about religion
Talking about sex
Talking about sports

The whole vegan/carnivore thing is not even on the list because I do not foresee anybody doing this sort of thing again. But it will stick in my head as a first.

Wow. I guess that charming conversation starter about your friend the senator who "scored" with a former nun is off the table.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Wow. I guess that charming conversation starter about your friend the senator who "scored" with a former nun is off the table.

:smiley-laughing024: I put sports on that list because frequently CEOs of companies are avid sports fans and if you talk sports and are for the "wrong" team, you can screw things up. Yes, its trivial and unrelated to business but it can make or break a deal if you go there with sports and miss the mark.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
:smiley-laughing024: I put sports on that list because frequently CEOs of companies are avid sports fans and if you talk sports and are for the "wrong" team, you can screw things up. Yes, its trivial and unrelated to business but it can make or break a deal if you go there with sports and miss the mark.

Whole heartedly agree. I just tell people I don't really watch sports.


Well Known GateFan
:smiley-laughing024: I put sports on that list because frequently CEOs of companies are avid sports fans and if you talk sports and are for the "wrong" team, you can screw things up. Yes, its trivial and unrelated to business but it can make or break a deal if you go there with sports and miss the mark.

Yup, it's an unwritten rule that you've got to be neutral on just about everything personal when it comes to business relations. The good thing about being vague and "vanilla" on stuff like sports is that your mark, i.e. potential client, usually gets a thrill out of enlightening you on how great their fave team is, blah blah blah. It gives them a thrill to think that they've edified you on something that's oh so important. :rolleyes:

People like to talk, they like to blather, they like to feel in control and important and most importantly they like to think they're the smartest guy (or gal) in the room. It's an ego thing. Nothing wrong with feeding that ego of theirs, especially when it has nothing to do with the actual business at hand.


Council Member & Author
See, I just don't understand that lack of business sense. If I was trying to get your business the last thing I would do is force you to partake in a neurotic fetish of mine (truthfully I have none ;) ), especially one that had nothing to do with the business at hand. It makes no sense. What a loon. Personally I'd take this experience as a red flag and I'd give this chick a wide berth.

*And for the record I love meat! Red meat in particular. Hell, I'm waking up early tomorrow to run over to Fresh Market to take advantage of a one day sale they've got on NY Strips. The grill's gonna be hot on Saturday night! :drunk:
Having beef for dinner. The whole house smells amazing right now. YUM!

Screw you, vegans! More for me!


Well Known GateFan
Having beef for dinner. The whole house smells amazing right now. YUM!

Screw you, vegans! More for me!

Yes, I feel ya sister! :smiley_joy:

Did a couple of NY Strips tonight and washed it all down with some nice Sterling cabernet.


Well Known GateFan
Goddammit all this talk of meat is making me hungry at this hour.

Late night is my danger time because I can't sleep when I'm hungry. It makes binging on junk food easy to do. :(