'Daily Show': John Oliver Declares 2nd Amendment the Winner of All Amendments

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member

Oliver announced the win as he noted the curious position of Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, who doesn't object to government monitoring of Americans' phone records, but believes universal background checks for gun purchases are an invasion of privacy.

"Guns are one thing, but phone calls are too dangerous to go unchecked," Oliver said. "Really, think about it -- some maniac could be calling about going on a shooting spree."

Why are we the only country that elects brain damaged retards to office? Is it because we feel sorry for them? Is it to encourage them to do something other than sit at home drooling into a bowl of cereal all day as they stare out the window? Give them a token desk job rather than electing them to power. There are better ways to encourage the mentally challenged.

He then announced that the Second Amendment has "won the Bill of Rights."
"It has defeated all the other Amendments! Which of course it did, when you think about it -- it's the only amendement with a f---ing gun."



Well Known GateFan

Why are we the only country that elects brain damaged retards to office? Is it because we feel sorry for them? Is it to encourage them to do something other than sit at home drooling into a bowl of cereal all day as they stare out the window? Give them a token desk job rather than electing them to power. There are better ways to encourage the mentally challenged.

Because we're Amerikaaa fuck yeaah.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Did you like back in black Bluce?

That was always my favorite part of The Daily Show. Having Lewis Black back on the show was high point of the show for me. He always has me in stitches. :D


Well Known GateFan