Believe it or not this "headline" from The Onion has stuck in my head since 1998. (sorry bro but I just had to)
Like Boxes Of Shit In Your House? Get A Cat
NEWS IN PHOTOS • ISSUE 33•15 • Apr 22, 1998
LMAO...I know some humans whose bodies/homes smell like shit and they dont even have pets!

Cats are cleaner than a lot of people I have seen. Besides that, cats do not give love unconditionally. Be mean to them, and they avoid you and they dont forget you are an asshole. A dog, well you can basically beat it up, pee on it, abuse it, and ignore it, and it will still love you. I cant believe I have seen abused dogs in videos who wag their tails when their masters come close. A cat will remember what you did and either avoid you or even get REVENGE (Siamese cats are known for this). So, when a cat chooses to sit in your lap or butt you with its head or give you the ultimate compliment by licking you or allowing you to rub its belly, that is something. My cats greet me when I come home, and it is not because of food because they have that all day. For Siete, it means that he gets to watch TV. For Fisher, it means the teaser toy and friendship he is not getting from the other cats. For Dante, it means a good night's sleep.

Whenever I am on my bed, Dante waits until I stop adjusting and moving, and then he comes up under my arm and snuggles in just like this picture.
He stays there all night unless I turn in my sleep, and then he is draped across my waist in the morning.