Cat Lovers Thread

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

You can just see her plotting and scheming.

:) Yep, she is analyzing your behaviors so she can figure out a way to get you all to herself.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

That is Ba'al. :) He looks positively regal in that picture! What a handsome cat. He reminds me so much of Siete! You met Siete. Is Ba'al bigger than him? Same size? Smaller? He looks like he might have a bit of Maine Coon in him.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
That is Ba'al. :) He looks positively regal in that picture! What a handsome cat. He reminds me so much of Siete! You met Siete. Is Ba'al bigger than him? Same size? Smaller? He looks like he might have a bit of Maine Coon in him.
He's not that big. I'd say he's just about average size for an adult male European Short hair cat. Bout 5.5 - 6.5 kg probably. Females can easily be the same size. Qetesh is just tiny by comparison. She's more like the scrawny little street cats I saw in Indonesia in regard to her size, but she looks a lot better. Siete was probably bigger than Ba'al.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Ba'al lying on one of his preferred spots, i.e. on the stairs.

Ba'al on the stairs.jpg

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
It's the leaning tower of Belfast!

He doesn't appear bothered by it at all by the way.

Leaning tower of Belfast.jpg

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
THANK YOU, Australia! I just recently found out that my favorite (and very expensive) Comfortis Flea Meds for cats are available from in Australia WITHOUT a prescription. I have been paying almost $180 for it here in the US, and since it requires a prescription here, it also meant that a vet visit was required to get the prescription which is itself $60.00. A racket to be sure. Well, Hoof and Hound in AU sells it for only $49.00 for the same 3 month supply, with no prescription. And its the real thing, backed by a 30-day money back guarantee. Ever since my horrible experience with Fisher and his last days, I don't trust vets. I see now how they have created a racket where they recommend unnecessary tests and exams, and how they charge outrageous prices for medications and hawk "prescription" junk food from Hills Science Diet which is complete garbage. In the summer flea season, meds like Comfortis are a godsend.

Anyway, I will leave you with this:


Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
A lot of the cats in that video are apparently bullies.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I meant to post this earlier, but I got a call from my vet's office on Friday asking me when I wanted to schedule Siete's "wellness exam". What? I never asked them to do wellness exams. I paused for about 15 seconds, then I just said I did not want to schedule one. The woman on the other end was one of the people who work the front desk, and I went on to tell her that I just don't feel comfortable using their services anymore (I had been taking my cats there for about 10 years now). After how they did Fisher, and one of the veterinarians telling me that I should get a biopsy for Siete for the small soft lump at the base of his tail he has had since I have had him, I could not trust them. She put me on hold and got the vet herself on the phone. I repeated my concerns, and told her that after they made my final days with Fisher a nightmare, that I could not trust them. I reminded her of how they sold me bogus junk "prescription cat food" from Hills Diet which is complete garbage, and how they refused to euthanize Fisher when I brought him in, only having to do it a week later (after expensive blood work), when he was ready when I brought him the first time. She apologized, but somehow that did not help.

So, I am only going to consider a vet when absolutely necessary. I have the entire internet to help me with the basics, and I have owned cats long enough to know symptoms of stuff when I see it. I don't really care that she went to school for it. And Siete is healthy and happy and I spoil him in a healthy way giving him high quality protein food without fillers like the food the vet prescribes. They are a racket, and I am just not going to fall for it!

I meant to post this earlier, but I got a call from my vet's office on Friday asking me when I wanted to schedule Siete's "wellness exam". What? I never asked them to do wellness exams. I paused for about 15 seconds, then I just said I did not want to schedule one. The woman on the other end was one of the people who work the front desk, and I went on to tell her that I just don't feel comfortable using their services anymore (I had been taking my cats there for about 10 years now). After how they did Fisher, and one of the veterinarians telling me that I should get a biopsy for Siete for the small soft lump at the base of his tail he has had since I have had him, I could not trust them. She put me on hold and got the vet herself on the phone. I repeated my concerns, and told her that after they made my final days with Fisher a nightmare, that I could not trust them. I reminded her of how they sold me bogus junk "prescription cat food" from Hills Diet which is complete garbage, and how they refused to euthanize Fisher when I brought him in, only having to do it a week later (after expensive blood work), when he was ready when I brought him the first time. She apologized, but somehow that did not help.

So, I am only going to consider a vet when absolutely necessary. I have the entire internet to help me with the basics, and I have owned cats long enough to know symptoms of stuff when I see it. I don't really care that she went to school for it. And Siete is healthy and happy and I spoil him in a healthy way giving him high quality protein food without fillers like the food the vet prescribes. They are a racket, and I am just not going to fall for it!

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This is exactly why I won't get a dog anytime soon, and I love dogs. The pet care and maintenance industry has become ridiculous over the last couple decades. They've turned it into a blatant money grab because they know they can prey on the emotions of pet owners and get them to open their wallets for unnecessary procedures and medications, etc. (And don't get me going about "pet rescue" associations that make you sign life-long contracts so they can retain complete control of the animal while you pay for everything.)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
This is exactly why I won't get a dog anytime soon, and I love dogs. The pet care and maintenance industry has become ridiculous over the last couple decades. They've turned it into a blatant money grab because they know they can prey on the emotions of pet owners and get them to open their wallets for unnecessary procedures and medications, etc. (And don't get me going about "pet rescue" associations that make you sign life-long contracts so they can retain complete control of the animal while you pay for everything.)

Exactly that. And 9 times out of 10, they will now try and sell you dental services. They tell you that your pet's teeth should be whitened or given "deep cleaning". Huh? What about the billions of dogs and cats living in the wild? They seem to do just fine without a dentist! I half expect them to start recommending brain scans, MRI and a tarot card reading for our pets. I think it is unethical for any vet to be recommending pet foods by brand name, or prescribing unnecessary medications like Prozac for dogs (Fluoxetine). Not kidding here! So now, when your dog whines when you go to work, or wants to play with you late into the night, he is allegedly suffering from "anxiety syndrome" or "hyperactivity disorder" and needs Prozac?
