Yes, OM1, we are Renfields for cats.
I had a longtime friend over for the first time today. He is a dog person, and had a Golden Retriever and a Border Collie (my favorite dog). He remembers when I had my dog, and that is in fact how I met him. He was shocked to see Siete waiting for me at the window by the door, meowing loudly in his demanding way. My buddy says "Cats only like you because you feed them". WRONG! I come inside, and Siete does his "Im so glad to see you" thing, I go to the food and serve up dinner for the three cats (at this time, he only saw Siete and Fisher and Dante were hiding from him). I go in the room to feed the cats and Siete follows me, and when my buddy saw the other two cats he was like "Damn, dude! You have three of them?".

I told him the story, but the main thing was Siete just looked at his dish and looked up at me and kept meowing. Then he lifted his paw in that way that says "Pick me up!". He nibbled a bit of his food, but that is not what he wanted. He just wanted me to hold him. He was purring so loud my buddy is now convinced otherwise. Also, Siete likes him. The other two cats never came out of their room.
Why do people who have never been owned by a cat assume they dont love their humans? Sure, if they were suddenly without their humans, they could survive on their own or seek out other humans to fill their staff. But once it has been decided by the cat that you "belong" to them, they show overt love. Dante can sleep anywhere in the house he wants to, but he chooses to be leaning against me, snuggled under my arm or in the crook of my neck and seeks me out wherever I am in the house. Fisher does the same thing, and when I am busy he tries to plant himself as close to me as possible without eliciting my "Please get off my computer!" response. Siete needs to be ON me if Im laying down, or near me. Food has nothing to do with it.