BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Fox News does it again

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member


Well Known GateFan
Yes, sorta funny, yet hardly helpful.

No wonder the "gays are mentally broken" viewpoint craps all over the gay veiwpoint..........:facepalm::facepalm:


(*Dude, seriously, do you really need clarification on why gay guys prefer sex that involves real penises on real men verses a piece of rubber strapped onto a female's body?)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member


(*Dude, seriously, do you really need clarification on why gay guys prefer sex that involves real penises on real men verses a piece of rubber strapped onto a female's body?)

Exactly. This is why I hate fake breasts. I want REAL breasts on women with REAL big-breast genes. I want REAL lips and ass and not botox swellings and butt pads.


Well Known GateFan

(*Dude, seriously, do you really need clarification on why gay guys prefer sex that involves real penises on real men verses a piece of rubber strapped onto a female's body?)

Not at all dude, I was going with Yongs comment in reference to Lesbians using them.

Still, I would like your view on this issue that you have yet to expound upon, and a silent ape simply is unnatural :P


Well Known GateFan
Not at all dude, I was going with Yongs comment in reference to Lesbians using them.

Still, I would like your view on this issue that you have yet to expound upon, and a silent ape simply is unnatural :P

Well, quite honestly you guys are using some HUGE generalizations about gay people, namely lesbians. I'm sure some percentage of lesbians use strap-ons and/or dildos, but I'm also sure that a percentage of lesbians do not. In fact, I've met quite a few lesbians who eschew anything male related be it rubber penises or pronouns. There are some who eschew any sort of societally proscribed gender identity. And also there are ones who like to present a very male image to the world. The same holds true for gay guys. The bottom line is not all gays are the same but the media tends to focus on certain stereotypes within the culture.

As for why the lesbian in the pic was wearing a tuxedo I can't really offer an opinion other than she desired to wear it. Quite honestly her reasons for doing so don't interest me. It's what she wanted to do and more power to her. Beyond that I feel nothing but enormous disinterest.

Conversely I, for one, have no desire to wear a wedding dress should I ever tie the knot (in a Swedish prison ceremony [Hey boo! :) ]) and by that same token I have no desire to marry a guy who would wear a wedding dress. Quite simply that's not my thing and it doesn't appeal to me. I have no problem with guys wearing dresses but I also have no desire to date someone who likes to present a female image. Being gay I'm attracted to masculine traits in others and I really don't understand why some gay guys act so effeminate and/or why they are attracted to feminine acting men -- BUT I'm not hating on them either. That's their thing and even if I never understand it I still support their right to live their lives their way.

One question about the strap-on thing; I get the impression that you think that all gay guys take it up the butt? We don't. I can assure you that plenty of gay guys don't "bottom" (*cough cough* ;)). There are also plenty of gay guys who don't engage in any sort of anal activity. Also, not all gay guys like to perform fellatio and/or receive it. We're as varied as you straight folks, and just as "mentally broken" -- not more, not less.


Well Known GateFan
Well, quite honestly you guys are using some HUGE generalizations about gay people, namely lesbians.

I'm sure some percentage of lesbians use strap-ons and/or dildos, but I'm also sure that a percentage of lesbians do not. In fact, I've met quite a few lesbians who eschew anything male related be it rubber penises or pronouns. There are some who eschew any sort of societally proscribed gender identity. And also there are ones who like to present a very male image to the world. The same holds true for gay guys. The bottom line is not all gays are the same but the media tends to focus on certain stereotypes within the culture.

As for why the lesbian in the pic was wearing a tuxedo I can't really offer an opinion other than she desired to wear it. Quite honestly her reasons for doing so don't interest me. It's what she wanted to do and more power to her. Beyond that I feel nothing but enormous disinterest.

Conversely I, for one, have no desire to wear a wedding dress should I ever tie the knot (in a Swedish prison ceremony [Hey boo! :) ]) and by that same token I have no desire to marry a guy who would wear a wedding dress. Quite simply that's not my thing and it doesn't appeal to me. I have no problem with guys wearing dresses but I also have no desire to date someone who likes to present a female image. Being gay I'm attracted to masculine traits in others and I really don't understand why some gay guys act so effeminate and/or why they are attracted to feminine acting men -- BUT I'm not hating on them either. That's their thing and even if I never understand it I still support their right to live their lives their way.

One question about the strap-on thing; I get the impression that you think that all gay guys take it up the butt? We don't. I can assure you that plenty of gay guys don't "bottom" (*cough cough* ;)). There are also plenty of gay guys who don't engage in any sort of anal activity. Also, not all gay guys like to perform fellatio and/or receive it. We're as varied as you straight folks, and just as "mentally broken" -- not more, not less.



Well, quite honestly you guys are using some HUGE generalizations about gay people, namely lesbians. I'm sure some percentage of lesbians use strap-ons and/or dildos, but I'm also sure that a percentage of lesbians do not. In fact, I've met quite a few lesbians who eschew anything male related be it rubber penises or pronouns. There are some who eschew any sort of societally proscribed gender identity. And also there are ones who like to present a very male image to the world. The same holds true for gay guys. The bottom line is not all gays are the same but the media tends to focus on certain stereotypes within the culture.

As for why the lesbian in the pic was wearing a tuxedo I can't really offer an opinion other than she desired to wear it. Quite honestly her reasons for doing so don't interest me. It's what she wanted to do and more power to her. Beyond that I feel nothing but enormous disinterest.

Conversely I, for one, have no desire to wear a wedding dress should I ever tie the knot (in a Swedish prison ceremony [Hey boo! :) ]) and by that same token I have no desire to marry a guy who would wear a wedding dress. Quite simply that's not my thing and it doesn't appeal to me. I have no problem with guys wearing dresses but I also have no desire to date someone who likes to present a female image. Being gay I'm attracted to masculine traits in others and I really don't understand why some gay guys act so effeminate and/or why they are attracted to feminine acting men -- BUT I'm not hating on them either. That's their thing and even if I never understand it I still support their right to live their lives their way.

One question about the strap-on thing; I get the impression that you think that all gay guys take it up the butt? We don't. I can assure you that plenty of gay guys don't "bottom" (*cough cough* ;)). There are also plenty of gay guys who don't engage in any sort of anal activity. Also, not all gay guys like to perform fellatio and/or receive it. We're as varied as you straight folks, and just as "mentally broken" -- not more, not less.

Not even for a now nameless Dutch guy?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member

(*Dude, seriously, do you really need clarification on why gay guys prefer sex that involves real penises on real men verses a piece of rubber strapped onto a female's body?)
Exactly. This is why I hate fake breasts. I want REAL breasts on women with REAL big-breast genes. I want REAL lips and ass and not botox swellings and butt pads.

Dude! The context in which I'm reading your reply to shaved's post is hilarious!


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Dude! The context in which I'm reading your reply to shaved's post is hilarious!


Guess what? GUYS can have the same fake breasts that these women get! :smiley-laughing024::lol:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
How about silicone muscle implants?

Just LOL!

AH HAHAHAHA! Nice rack, dude! OMG, notice how his belly jiggles almost as much as his tits do, and his arms are all out of shape. He looks like a freak. :smiley-laughing024::rotflmao::shep_lol::jackanime14:


Well Known GateFan
So to continue on the "layered issues (with homosexuality NOT being an issue) thing" and the possibilities there may be with the pictured couple involving these layers; Chazz Bono and his wife

So then Chastity and wife were a Lesbian couple, yes?

Presumably they had sex, one would assume lesbian and possibly "fake male attributes" were practised

The Chatity became Chazz, legally and anatomically (though in a Larry King I think-interview, at the time Chazz was still having "stand up" issues), a man.

Is Chazz's wife still a lesbian?


Well Known GateFan
How about silicone muscle implants?

Just LOL!

OMG, what a tool! :facepalm:
--- merged: Feb 12, 2013 at 10:42 PM ---
So to continue on the "layered issues (with homosexuality NOT being an issue) thing" and the possibilities there may be with the pictured couple involving these layers; Chazz Bono and his wife

So then Chastity and wife were a Lesbian couple, yes?

Presumably they had sex, one would assume lesbian and possibly "fake male attributes" were practised

The Chatity became Chazz, legally and anatomically (though in a Larry King I think-interview, at the time Chazz was still having "stand up" issues), a man.

Is Chazz's wife still a lesbian?

I didn't know they were legally married, not that it matters much I guess. As for the "wife" being lesbian, I really have no idea how to classify that whole arrangement. Assuming that Chaz still has a vagina I guess technically you could call them both lesbians. Again, it doesn't matter much since they will define themselves however they want. It's safe to assume that Chaz identifies as male so if you asked him/her what he/she is you'd no doubt get a whole diatribe about gender identity being fluid, blah blah blah.

I think you'll get a different answer from most people as to what constitutes a lesbian in this context though. Case in point, does Chaz automatically switch from lesbian to male if he/she gets a plastic penis sewn onto his/her pelvis? Serious question, and one I can't answer other than to say that it boils down to how one identifies themselves.

And, no matter how much testosterone Chaz injects and no matter how many male characteristics he/she develops I, for one, still wouldn't be physically attracted to him/her. :stung:


Well Known GateFan
OMG, what a tool! :facepalm:
--- merged: Feb 12, 2013 at 10:42 PM ---

I didn't know they were legally married, not that it matters much I guess. As for the "wife" being lesbian, I really have no idea how to classify that whole arrangement. Assuming that Chaz still has a vagina I guess technically you could call them both lesbians. Again, it doesn't matter much since they will define themselves however they want. It's safe to assume that Chaz identifies as male so if you asked him/her what he/she is you'd no doubt get a whole diatribe about gender identity being fluid, blah blah blah.

I think you'll get a different answer from most people as to what constitutes a lesbian in this context though. Case in point, does Chaz automatically switch from lesbian to male if he/she gets a plastic penis sewn onto his/her pelvis? Serious question, and one I can't answer other than to say that it boils down to how one identifies themselves.

And, no matter how much testosterone Chaz injects and no matter how many male characteristics he/she develops I, for one, still wouldn't be physically attracted to him/her. :stung:
Ok, sorry, not wife: Chaz currently lives in Los Angeles with his fiancé, Jennifer Elia



Instead of a "plastic penis attachment" apparently he went with this procedure (after which he had the medical certification for legal male identity and physical status) I am sure he had the money and that Mommy helped him out (can you imagine the conversations they have?):

Graft from the arm

An operation using the forearm as a donor site is the easiest to perform, but results in a cosmetically undesirable scar on the exposed area of the arm. Arm function may be hampered if the donor site does not heal properly. Electrolysis and/or laser hair reduction is required for a relatively hairless neophallus.
Sometimes a full-scale metoidioplasty is done a few months before the actual phalloplasty to reduce the possibility of complications after phalloplasty. Sensation is retained through the clitoral tissue at the base of the neophallus, and surgeons will often attempt to graft nerves together from the clitoris or nearby. Nerves from the graft and the tissue it has been attached to may eventually connect. This does not necessarily guarantee the ability to achieve genital orgasm after healing, as the most important task of nerve reconnection is to ensure the penis is able to sense injury.
The following explanation of this technique has many similarities to other approaches, but the construction of the glans differs.
  • The surgery starts (after the patient is prepped) with the forearm marked for graft size. After the graft is taken, another graft may be used to reconstruct the arm (resulting in a secondary scar).
  • The graft skin is dissected to expose the veins and antebrachial cutaneous nerves. (the latter done carefully for later reattachment)
  • If the urethra is being constructed at the same time as the phallus, it is joined at this step. If not, the glans is shaped. Sometimes glansplasty is done in a separate surgical stage after urethral extension.
  • A segment of vein going to the patient's groin is "borrowed" to allow easier joining of the graft with the preexisting tissues.
  • The vein is carefully attached to the femoral artery.
  • The blood supplies from the flap and the vein leading to the femoral artery are joined.
  • The clitoral hood and ligament is cut away, and the nerve bundle is isolated for the time being. Important: while this assumes the clitoral tissue is assimilated (buried) into the penis base, some surgeons give the option of leaving it as-is in a post metoidioplasty like state.
  • The flap is partially attached physically while the surgeon attempts to join the nerve bundles.
  • If the urethra was extended, it is now joined with a catheter that will remain in place for healing purposes for two to four weeks. Otherwise, the skin is sutured up and/or the scrotum is fabricated.
If the patient chooses to have the urethra extended to the glans of the neophallus, it is formed by the following steps:
  • The labia minora is injected with a mixture of saline and epinephrine.
  • It is then split open and layers separated using sharp and blunt dissection.
  • The layers are wrapped around a catheter and stitched.
  • A mucosal flap from the vagina may be used to bridge the urethra with the extension. This is often done in a separate procedure. Alternative graft locations include the mouth/cheeks or experimentally, the intestines. If the labia minora is not used during construction of the urethral extension, (or in the chance there is enough material remaining) it can be used during glansplasty to provide for better results compared with a full thickness skin graft.
Wait. Wait! Update..apparently they have called off the wedding as his fiancee was caught going back to the "carpet". Maybe the whole thing was just too strange for her.:[/quote]


Well Known GateFan for that...I think. :stung:

Again, I don't understand it and can't comprehend undergoing such a radical surgical procedure, but if that's what she wants to do with her body then fine. After all, it's no skin off my labia. :P

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan for that...I think. :stung:

Again, I don't understand it and can't comprehend undergoing such a radical surgical procedure, but if that's what she wants to do with her body then fine. After all, it's no skin off my labia. :P

I agree with you. That is freaking gross.