Batman: The Dark Knight Rises


Council Member & Author
Sadly, I had only my phone with me today for pics. This made me a sad photographer...but...


It was cool to see some of Gotham City's police vehicles.

I also met a very nice man by the name of Gerald Cheney, one of the shoot's Art Department crew. He's worked on such fare as Serenity, Ironman 1, 2 and about to be working on 3, Spiderman 1,2,3 & 4, John Carter of Mars, and just finished The Avengers... I'm pissed that the picture I took of him apparently disappeared into the Verizon ether. :(

But...sharing what I can.


Well Known GateFan
Very cool! :beckettu:


Well Known GateFan

I can't wait.


Well Known GateFan
Would appreciate it if anyone could find the dark knight rises prologue somewhere, I can't find it.