Batman & Robin


Objects may be closer than they appear


Well Known GateFan
How could we ever, you're just too strong. And we know how much you want to see this one.

I'm just disgusted that I could watch it as I have it here :facepalm:
(no I'm not joining in, thats in the middle of my morning jobs)


Well Known GateFan
How come you're up so early?

I'm normally up early, moreso on school days, have to get everyone organized and off to school, make lunches and all that other fun stuff.
Also, it's usually the only time I have peace and quiet :P


Well Known GateFan
Bad timing for us then, that would make you miss it. Sorry. :(

I'm devastated, I miss out on Dr Frieze :( :laughing:

though, I must admit a fondness for this: