Bananas thrown at black Italian minister during speech

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member

Integration minister Cecile Kyenge, who was born in Democratic Republic of Congo, has angered far-right groups with her campaign to make it easier for immigrants to gain Italian citizenship.

Shortly before the incident on Friday, members of the right-wing Forza Nuova group left mannequins covered in fake blood at the site of the rally in Cervia, central Italy, in protest against Kyenge's proposal to make anyone born on Italian soil a citizen.

When I see this kind of shit happen in a country that, in my experience, has almost never shown any signs of racism, it impacts me more so. The problem, though, isn't about whether she's black or white but the fact she's an immigrant in a country that has seen in influx of more immigrants than natural births lately and the lack of their integration. The sentiments being echoed here are similar to what OMNI has expressed about Sweden and their immigration policies.

Moreover, the group throwing bananas is "right wing", which brings another question to mind. Why does stupid always float to the right?


Well Known GateFan

When I see this kind of shit happen in a country that, in my experience, has almost never shown any signs of racism, it impacts me more so. The problem, though, isn't about whether she's black or white but the fact she's an immigrant in a country that has seen in influx of more immigrants than natural births lately and the lack of their integration. The sentiments being echoed here are similar to what OMNI has expressed about Sweden and their immigration policies.

Moreover, the group throwing bananas is "right wing", which brings another question to mind. Why does stupid always float to the right?

I am not sure if it is "stupid" that always flow to the right, but nationalism, particularly "protective/economic nationalism, does.

And hey. this isn't "flame hell" :rolleye0014: :)

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I am not sure if it is "stupid" that always flow to the right, but nationalism, particularly "protective/economic nationalism, does.

And hey. this isn't "flame hell" :rolleye0014: :)

Sorry, dude, but stupid floats right almost consistently. The left in the US is not for exporting jobs, so, protectionism is there as well. What you do find consistently to the right, though, are bible thumpers, those who wish to do away with science, the belief in masturbating fetuses, that women can't get pregnant if it's a "legitimate rape" .... the list is mind-boggling.


Well Known GateFan
Who can explain xenophobic, jingoistic fear mongers? Even though we're into the 21st Century that mindset still prevails in many parts of the so-called "civilized world". Look at Russia, they're enacting regressive, draconian laws against homosexuals on a daily basis lately. Seriously, you can't even use the word "gay" there. They consider it corrupting the youth (as if there aren't any young gay people there :rolleyes:). This is fueled both by the religious Right there and also the willing bigots in government. It's shocking and disgusting and mind-blowing that such hatred and bigotry can both exist and be sanctioned by the government.

I don't want to always come off as if I've got a gay axe to grind but I just wanted to use an example of the xenophobic crap that goes on in our "enlightened" world in addition to what you described. Euros tend to look down on America but the truth is that prejudice and bigotry exist just as much in Europe as anywhere else -- Italy, Russia, hell, even the filthy frog leg eatin' French can be some real Right wing pricks.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Sorry, dude, but stupid floats right almost consistently. The left in the US is not for exporting jobs, so, protectionism is there as well. What you do find consistently to the right, though, are bible thumpers, those who wish to do away with science, the belief in masturbating fetuses, that women can't get pregnant if it's a "legitimate rape" .... the list is mind-boggling.

I strongly agree. Not saying that all of the right is stupid, but it seems like all of the stupid people in the public light are on the right. It also is very obvious that all of the religious fundamentalism is on the right, as are all socially backwards movements. And those who are stuck in a time warp of things passed (but they wont let them) are on the right.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I strongly agree. Not saying that all of the right is stupid, but it seems like all of the stupid people in the public light are on the right. It also is very obvious that all of the religious fundamentalism in on the right, as are all socially backwards movements. And those who are stuck in a time warp of things passed (but they wont let them) are on the right.

I miss the old Republicans, when they used to be the party of the adults. Remember when the left in this country was all about the loonies?


Well Known GateFan
I strongly agree. Not saying that all of the right is stupid, but it seems like all of the stupid people in the public light are on the right. It also is very obvious that all of the religious fundamentalism in on the right, as are all socially backwards movements. And those who are stuck in a time warp of things passed (but they wont let them) are on the right.

Still so sure that *parts* of Christianity are "not that dangerous"? :P

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I miss the old Republicans, when they used to be the party of the adults. Remember when the left in this country was all about the loonies?

YES! The "hippies" were all of the left, the "bra burners", the pioneers of the women's movements, etc. The main thing was their disdain for authority. But the Republicans were more concerned with fiscal conservatism and protecting the American economy by protecting its infrastructure in industry, manufacturing and agriculture. That went down the drain when foreign auto makers were allowed to trade freely here. The Japanese did not destroy the industry so much as undermine it, as the influx of Chinese goods did as well.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Still so sure that *parts* of Christianity are "not that dangerous"? :P

I am. :) Only in comparison to Islamic extremists though. You just dont see Christians blowing themselves up in public places, or burning flags or forming militias which include children armed with automatic weapons. Nor do you find them praying in masse for the destruction of entire cultures. You DO find this is Islam, everywhere Islam is practiced.

At best, I find the Christian extremists "annoying", perhaps a bit dangerous here in the states where they bomb abortion clinics and murder their children and family and friends and strangers because they "spoke to God who told them to".


My avatar speaks for itself.
I am. :) Only in comparison to Islamic extremists though. You just dont see Christians blowing themselves up in public places, or burning flags or forming militias which include children armed with automatic weapons. Nor do you find them praying in masse for the destruction of entire cultures. You DO find this is Islam, everywhere Islam is practiced.

At best, I find the Christian extremists "annoying", perhaps a bit dangerous here in the states where they bomb abortion clinics and murder their children and family and friends and strangers because they "spoke to God who told them to".
um yes you do.. religion REGARDLES OF ITS FORM can never be NOT-Extremist, also anyone who belives in "god" is a possible suicide bomber.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
um yes you do.. religion REGARDLES OF ITS FORM can never be NOT-Extremist, also anyone who belives in "god" is a possible suicide bomber.

I agree....


Well Known GateFan
um yes you do.. religion REGARDLES OF ITS FORM can never be NOT-Extremist, also anyone who belives in "god" is a possible suicide bomber.

:D :P :lol:
Someone get me a bomb :lol:


Well Known GateFan
Sorry, dude, but stupid floats right almost consistently. The left in the US is not for exporting jobs, so, protectionism is there as well. What you do find consistently to the right, though, are bible thumpers, those who wish to do away with science, the belief in masturbating fetuses, that women can't get pregnant if it's a "legitimate rape" .... the list is mind-boggling.

That is a broad sweeping of putting everyone who is right of center socially or politically into the funny farm wagon. That is simply not true

Just like the left, now and especially in the past, could not be generalized as all being "whacky" because of the actions of a vocal minority, then neither can the right.

As a libertarian, I find the idea of "team playing" and standing up for the most craziest things people say-just because they are on "your team" to be undemocratic and very harmful. These cheerleaders will stand up and back up nearly anything some of the loonies say just for political reasons and it is disgusting.

Politicians and others on the right frequently call out tea partiers and others as being wrong or silly/stupid when they make dumb remarks. I believe the masturbating fetuses guy as well as the more recent comment by a tea party US representative, were both "denounced" by the House republican leadership, though it got very little coverage (the only place I saw where Boehner called these guys on their BS was on Bill Maher's show of all places.

You will next to never see any coverage of any modern day "loonie lefty" on our news for the same reasons they cover very little real news-no one is interested and it can not be sensationalized.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Why? Are you willing to submit to an IQ test?

Of course. But nobody but desperate fools reach for those numbers. In the real world where value lies in actual abilities and DEMONSTRATED intelligence, the IQ test is irrelevant.

Lets say this guy has an IQ score of ..a BAZILLION

images (1).jpg

Lets say his skills are huntin', shootin' and sleepin'.

Lets say this guy has an IQ score of 120


Lets say his skills are that he is a medical doctor and surgeon.

Where is this score relevant? Who uses it after it is taken when you are a child? Who gives IQ scores when screening candidates for any job anywhere, for entrance into buildings or colleges, or...just anything at all? I have a very high IQ. But because I feel the test is irrelevant, I take no comfort in that. It is only when playing music (on the piano), doing my job on my computer network, receiving calls from desperate end users and being able to help them without seeing them in any way "inferior" to me that I realize that I differ from people like you in a huge way. Its a very good thing.

Can you read music? Can you play Bach or Chopin? Are you good at Chess? Everybody is good at something. Intelligence has yet to be defined.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
That is a broad sweeping of putting everyone who is right of center socially or politically into the funny farm wagon. That is simply not true

Just like the left, now and especially in the past, could not be generalized as all being "whacky" because of the actions of a vocal minority, then neither can the right.

As a libertarian, I find the idea of "team playing" and standing up for the most craziest things people say-just because they are on "your team" to be undemocratic and very harmful. These cheerleaders will stand up and back up nearly anything some of the loonies say just for political reasons and it is disgusting.

Politicians and others on the right frequently call out tea partiers and others as being wrong or silly/stupid when they make dumb remarks. I believe the masturbating fetuses guy as well as the more recent comment by a tea party US representative, were both "denounced" by the House republican leadership, though it got very little coverage (the only place I saw where Boehner called these guys on their BS was on Bill Maher's show of all places.

You will next to never see any coverage of any modern day "loonie lefty" on our news for the same reasons they cover very little real news-no one is interested and it can not be sensationalized.

I don't mean to be a ball-buster but how stupid does an entire party have to be to attempt repealing Obamacare 39 times and fail yet keep trying in spite of the fact that a majority of Americans support it? How about not passing Immigration Reform in spite of Americans wanting it by an overwhelming majority? Or trying their best to cram anti-abortion down everyone's throats in spite of virtually NOBODY wanting it? Or keep insisting that cutting taxes on the rich somehow magically creates jobs and stimulates the economy when, in fact, the exact opposite has been proven true, without a shred of doubt, over and over again since that idiotic statement was first made?!? I'm sure not all Republicans on Capitol Hill are stupid but the votes show that an overwhelming majority of them, in fact, are.

The left were nuts in the past. The right has taken that baton and is running for the horizon with it and I see no end in sight.