Are you a Psychopath?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member


I purposely deleted my Facebook account precisely because people investigate the Facebook profiles whenever they want to find out anything they are too cowardly to ask directly or to see for themselves. :) I have absolutely nothing to hide, so when background checks are run they discover my veteran status, my training and education, my lack of a criminal record, etc. Any employer who would use Facebook in ANY capacity to assess my employability would not be a company I would want to work for. LOL! Anybody want to guess whether or not a Facebook shill wrote that article to try and plug that 3-6 million member loss of members in the US and the EU and Australia last year and since the IPO?

Intellius and the FBI cost money to use, Facebook is free. And cheesy. :) Personally, I think that people who ARE on Facebook and use it as their primary social outlet are "suspicious". Not in a psychopathic way, just in an intellectual way. :D Although as a business presence, it cant hurt. You just don't post to it. :welcoming:


Well Known GateFan
OMG, I've rarely seen a more transparent attempt to get a reaction than this "article". It's laughably low-brow and heavy handed in its delivery. The argument it makes for Facebook membership being a litmus test for psychopathology is beyond pathetic. I love how they use the example of the CO shooter as a way of indicting everyone who doesn't have a Facebook account. So I guess this means my 81yo mother who isn't a member of Facebook is a psychopath? M'kay... :uncomfortableness:


Council Member & Author
I have a FB account to help with marketing my writing. If I could get away with NOT having one, you betcha I'd jettison the thing in a heartbeat.