Anything goes 1


The Belle of the Ball

Like two year olds-- the perfect perpetual motion machine! :anim_59:

Go for the excuse. All Jack Black movies are exactly the same except with different words, backdrop and clothing.

That is just typical, they get bad press and now instead of fixing the problem, they just want it to go away.

yep- "how dare you say that what we are doing for you isn't what you want. you are not allowed to take US to task...We know what is best!" can we say Nanny-state run amok? My only surprise in this article is it is from Scotland, not the US. Just goes to show that bureaucrats are the same everywhere! :teyla26:


Well Known GateFan
You know, you really should have enforced voting like we have here.
We (Aussies) almost universally hate all politicians, but what we end up with because of enforced voting is the least hated person in charge, rather than the person who can drum up the most people who could be bothered to vote by putting on a pure dog and poney show.


You know, you really should have enforced voting like we have here.
We (Aussies) almost universally hate all politicians, but what we end up with because of enforced voting is the least hated person in charge, rather than the person who can drum up the most people who could be bothered to vote by putting on a pure dog and poney show.

Totally agree with this.


The Belle of the Ball
Oops forgot the jack black comment- I actually like ONE of his movies-- the holiday...but then it's an ensemble comedy (cameron diaz, jude law and kate winslet costar as well!) that is very cute. he doesn't carry the whole movie!

Made whoopie pies yesterday! I forgot how much we looooooooooove them. I try to make small ones to make them a less guilty pleasure! :D:D

so GF you get fined or imprisoned if you don't vote? we value our freedoms in the USA even the freedom to not vote if we so choose! but then my philosophy is "don't vote? then don't BITCH" - as you can tell I vote in every election!


Well Known GateFan
so GF you get fined or imprisoned if you don't vote? we value our freedoms in the USA even the freedom to not vote if we so choose! but then my philosophy is "don't vote? then don't BITCH" - as you can tell I vote in every election!
It's a fine for not voting Rac.


The Belle of the Ball
Nice to see the little guy win every once in a while.
They folded like a wet paper towel in a sink full of dirty dish water.

PUBLICITY-- THAT ALL IMPORTANT WORD! I LOVE THE FIRST AMENDMENT! :smiley_joy:yep i know it was scotland and they don't have one there...they should!


Well Known GateFan
It's a fine for not voting Rac.

That's fascinating. I mean, it's so draconian but it's also understandable. What's the rate of compliance? Is the fine big or small? Surely there has to be people who don't show up on election day?

(As an aside, what do you think of your PM? Just curious.)


Well Known GateFan
That's fascinating. I mean, it's so draconian but it's also understandable. What's the rate of compliance? Is the fine big or small? Surely there has to be people who don't show up on election day?
Umm, I've never heard any complaints about it shaved. You can still "donkey vote" if you really want to, but once you have made the effort to get to the polls, why bother? I find it has a way of making people, even people like me who don't generally deal in politics to actually *think* about what they are doing when it comes to voting, even if that vote is just "X major party". If you can't go to the polls, or you know you will be away, postal votes are used as well. As for the "draconian nature of it", Sure, it is a bit heavy handed, but we are not talking the local bake stall, we are supposed to be considering who and what will run the country, and how your country will be percieved by the rest of the world. Not only that, "special interest" groups have no say in it, simply because they will be ignored by the rest of the populus who gives not a toss about thier agenda, or how much money they spent to "buy a vote". IIRC, the figures for the US are somewhere around 50% of the eligable voting population votes, and while I agree in theory with Rac's "shut up or vote" system, it simply means that HALF the US' population does not have a say (by choice) and the half that DO have a say use it to promote special interests, probably at the expense of some other group.

(As an aside, what do you think of your PM? Just curious.)
I couldn't write it here, suffice to say she is an arrogant, egotistical, self-centered blowhard who got the job as first female PM by being used as a catspaw with a knife, and is too stupid to realise it. She has singlehandedly destroyed most "average joe's" faith in the Labor party as an entity, and the sooner the bitch is gone, the better.


Well Known GateFan
Umm, I've never heard any complaints about it shaved. You can still "donkey vote" if you really want to, but once you have made the effort to get to the polls, why bother? I find it has a way of making people, even people like me who don't generally deal in politics to actually *think* about what they are doing when it comes to voting, even if that vote is just "X major party". If you can't go to the polls, or you know you will be away, postal votes are used as well. As for the "draconian nature of it", Sure, it is a bit heavy handed, but we are not talking the local bake stall, we are supposed to be considering who and what will run the country, and how your country will be percieved by the rest of the world. Not only that, "special interest" groups have no say in it, simply because they will be ignored by the rest of the populus who gives not a toss about thier agenda, or how much money they spent to "buy a vote". IIRC, the figures for the US are somewhere around 50% of the eligable voting population votes, and while I agree in theory with Rac's "shut up or vote" system, it simply means that HALF the US' population does not have a say (by choice) and the half that DO have a say use it to promote special interests, probably at the expense of some other group.

I just find it fascinating that a "free" society would have such a law. It seems both good and bad at the same time if that makes sense. It's like a contradiction; forcing a "free" people to engage in an activity. Perhaps I'm coming from the perspective of living in a Constitutional republic where rights are guaranteed regardless of democratic voting (sort of...). So I can see the side of people who would be against forced voting as that seems to strip them of their sovereignty. Very interesting...

I couldn't write it here, suffice to say she is an arrogant, egotistical, self-centered blowhard who got the job as first female PM by being used as a catspaw with a knife, and is too stupid to realise it. She has singlehandedly destroyed most "average joe's" faith in the Labor party as an entity, and the sooner the bitch is gone, the better.

I don't know much about her other than that she's got a bad rap with the gay folks there in OZ. I'm surprised to learn that she's Labor as I always took that to be the more Democrat/Left type of political party and yet she doesn't seem to be that way at all. This is just based on one report I saw on her so I could be wayyyyy off base here. From what I gather there is a contest there where the winner gets to have lunch with the PM (or maybe dinner). I guess a gay couple won the contest this year and the PM couldn't seem to find the time to meet them, surprise surprise. This went on for months I believe and I never found out if she fulfilled the terms of the lunch/dinner. The report implied she was rather homophobic and anti-gay, which would make her a shoe-in over here for the Republican ticket.


I would like to congratulate Shavedape on the embarrassment of the Dutch national team and the march of victory of the German national team.


Well Known GateFan
I just find it fascinating that a "free" society would have such a law. It seems both good and bad at the same time if that makes sense. It's like a contradiction; forcing a "free" people to engage in an activity. Perhaps I'm coming from the perspective of living in a Constitutional republic where rights are guaranteed regardless of democratic voting (sort of...). So I can see the side of people who would be against forced voting as that seems to strip them of their sovereignty. Very interesting...
It is a contradiction :P
Here dude this may help a bit:

I don't know much about her other than that she's got a bad rap with the gay folks there in OZ. I'm surprised to learn that she's Labor as I always took that to be the more Democrat/Left type of political party and yet she doesn't seem to be that way at all. This is just based on one report I saw on her so I could be wayyyyy off base here. From what I gather there is a contest there where the winner gets to have lunch with the PM (or maybe dinner). I guess a gay couple won the contest this year and the PM couldn't seem to find the time to meet them, surprise surprise. This went on for months I believe and I never found out if she fulfilled the terms of the lunch/dinner. The report implied she was rather homophobic and anti-gay, which would make her a shoe-in over here for the Republican ticket.

The above site may answer some of your questions better than I sir :)
As to the Gay marriage issue in Oz, BOTH leaders of the 2 main parties are against it, but I don't know how long they will put thier own beliefs ahead of what voters seem to want, if indeed marriage equality is what they want.


Well Known GateFan
I would like to congratulate Shavedape on the embarrassment of the Dutch national team and the march of victory of the German national team.

Flattery will get you nowhere with me, especially sarcastic flattery. :whip:


Well Known GateFan


Well Known GateFan
I mistook your face for a leather mask.

You haven't seen my face yet but you will when I come to testify at the Hague for your war crimes trial. May whatever god you believe in have mercy upon your pitiful soul. :upset: