American Horror Story


Sinister Swede
Anyone else watching this show? I watched the first season despite that I found it completely demented to its insane, ridiculous and melodramatic storylines, but it was still worth it to me just to watch Jessica Lange chew scenery like someone who had been starving for an eternity. You know how there are some shows which you watch because of a good story in spite of questionable acting? This is the other way around. And with the addition of James Cromwell, Sarah Paulson, Joseph Fiennes and Zachary Quinto to the main cast in the 2nd season, things are just getting better. And I also find the 1960s mental asylum a much more interesting setting than the haunted house in season 1.


Well Known GateFan
I haven't tried this show yet but I might give it a go soon. Do I understand the premise correctly; they change the setting and timeline???


Sinister Swede
I haven't tried this show yet but I might give it a go soon. Do I understand the premise correctly; they change the setting and timeline???

It's an anthology show, with different characters and settings each season (though some of the actors carry over and play different characters). So if you want to you can just jump into the second season which is airing right now (though you'd have to get caught up on the first two episodes), and you'd be no worse off for it.


Sinister Swede
Damn, I really didn't see the twist in the last episode coming (at least not until a few minutes before it happened). But it was good though.
It's always fun to see Zachary Quinto play a good villain. After all, he was one of the few bright points of Heroes.


Well Known GateFan
Damn, I really didn't see the twist in the last episode coming (at least not until a few minutes before it happened). But it was good though. It's always fun to see Zachary Quinto play a good villain. After all, he was one of the few bright points of Heroes.

Which episode are you talking about?

The one where the doc cuts off that girl's legs so she can't run away?

I've seen one and part of another one but am not totally caught up. It's definitely a horror story alright. :worked_till_5am:


Sinister Swede
Which episode are you talking about?

The one where the doc cuts off that girl's legs so she can't run away?

I've seen one and part of another one but am not totally caught up. It's definitely a horror story alright. :worked_till_5am:

Nope, it's the one that aired this Wednesday. You really ought to try and catch up, 'cause there was some real good stuff in the last ep.


Well Known GateFan
Nope, it's the one that aired this Wednesday. You really ought to try and catch up, 'cause there was some real good stuff in the last ep.

Jessica Lange almost creeps me out she's so good! :applouse:


Well Known GateFan
You don't have to tell me that! She could act circles around 90% of all the actors on tv right now. :excitement:

I still remember her as "Dwan" (yes, that's the correct spelling) in King Kong from 1976. :anim_59:



Sinister Swede
Not the best episode this week. Though it was nice to see Joseph Fiennes' character get some proper screen time and a little character development this time.
But I felt that the episode should have focused more on Lana and Thredson since what's happening there is the most interesting bit. Not that the Sister Jude stuff wasn't good mind you, but I'm still not that interested in the Arden Nazi stuff. Also, I'm wondering just who the Bloody Face we're seeing in those scenes set during the current day is, because I'm not sure if it could be Thredson as well considering the length of time passed between the 60s and 2012....


Sinister Swede
Finally got caught up with this weeks episode. There's really nothing like a homicidal santa claus to get you into the Christmas spirit. :icon10:


Well Known GateFan
Oh that episode was soooo freaky! :eek: The writing is so demented on this show.

I wonder how it's going to end?


Sinister Swede
Yeah tell me about it. I can't wait to see what kind of harebrained ideas the writers will pull out of their asses next week. :D :psychosga:

Well it probably won't end in a way which neatly wraps up and explains all the storylines they've got going on. Because come on, they've got aliens, angels, demons and nazi experiments, all under one insane umbrella. And then there's the whole thing set in the future (or technically, current day) as well. Knowing that, I'm just hoping for a nice little bloodbath, hopefully including Thredson getting his comeuppance, coupled with a tour de force from Jessica Lange to cap off this season. :smiley-money-mouth:


Sinister Swede
I just came across io9's review of the latest episode, and while I normally don't read a lot of reviews, I just felt that this paragraph is worth posting.

"I'm now completely under the impression that if Jessica Lange wanted to take her character down an emotional journey where she snorts coke off Cthulhu's tentacled reproductive parts, the crew on American Horror Story would allow it. As long as she was monologuing about the whippings her character received from a nasty old Hobbit who lives in the space in between the wall and the back of the couch. This is a crazy place for crazy people to try crazy things, and then be rewarded with cigarettes."

Yep, completely sums up what this show is like. :icon_lol:


Well Known GateFan
The problem is that such extreme weirdness gets fatiguing eventually and viewers drop off. There needs to be some rhyme and reason for such goings on and the story lines need to get resolved. If it's just weird for the sake of being weird ala David Lynch then people will lose interest.


Sinister Swede
Oh yeah definitely, however I do expect that at least some storylines will get a bit of closure. Not all mind you, there are far too many for that to happen, but as long they find the time to wrap some parts up at least I'll be satisfied. I don't watch it for intellectual stimulation, after all. *Switch on tv, switch off brain*

Besides, The Walking Dead's success shows that stupidity on the side of the writers doesn't necessarily mean a loss of viewership.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Oh yeah definitely, however I do expect that at least some storylines will get a bit of closure. Not all mind you, there are far too many for that to happen, but as long they find the time to wrap some parts up at least I'll be satisfied. I don't watch it for intellectual stimulation, after all. *Switch on tv, switch off brain*

Besides, The Walking Dead's success shows that stupidity on the side of the writers doesn't necessarily mean a loss of viewership.

Take a popular concept, turn it into a fairly unique idea (weekly series about a post-apocalyptic world where zombies are taking over) and you'll get viewers. Eventually, stupid writing gets tiring and people will drop off. I'd rather see better writing than this show dying. I loved the first season but that was largely due to Frank Darabont's cinematic talents driving the show. They AMC fired him. :rolleyes:


Well Known GateFan
I missed last weeks episode. Is the season over now or will there be more still? (No spoilers please!)


Sinister Swede
I missed it as well (gonna catch up some time this week), but there are four more episodes left and they'll be airing in January.