All the new games SUCK because they force you to be part of a "community"

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
LOL...I dont think so!

The PC platform is dying a slow death :(

It's all about hack'n'slash, in the case of RPG's and the PC gets ignored as well(I'm looking at you, Fable 2) and most PC games suffer from terrible graphics due to being ported from their console conterparts.

Sorry for the rant, just needed to get it out of my system...

The BEST, most complex, highest quality graphic games are STILL made for the PC because no console in existence can outperform a gaming desktop computer. Not even a super duper turbocharged XBox! :). In fact, most games are designed for the PC first, then ported to the consoles.


GateFans Noob
Not for Dragon Age 2, they wont. *wants to hit something hard.
Oh well, there's always The Witcher 2...

But yes, the PC is the ultimate gaming platform and no puny console can ever touch it :D