Agam Darshi spotted in 2012 movie!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I watched 2012 tonight (for fun) :) and who did I spot in Calcutta as the silent wife of the Indian scientist?


Never noticed it before watching Sanctuary. :) Moonblood from Falling Skies was in Terminator 4 (which I hated). Its funny to spot people in stuff after they become better known. :) Another cool one was Tim Russ who was in a Star Trek: Generations as a starfleet Tactical officer, and then he turned up as Tuvok, the Vulcan science officer for Voyager.

Thought it was cool. Agam did not have any lines in the movie.


What ship is this?
Staff member
You watched 2012 without brain damage? Lucky you.


Indeed it's funny when you suddenly spot actors you've gotten to know in older movies or shows where you never noticed them before. I recently had this with dr. Coombs in the SG-1 episode The Other Guys (see the Felger thread for example) who played the doctor in Star Trek Enterprise. Also I noticed the guy who played the awesome Q character in Star Trek as colonel Simmons in SG-1.

Another one that comes to mind is the guy who played Neelix in Star Trek Voyager whom I recognised in the movie The Island.


Oh I forgot. Also recently noticed Adam Baldwin as colonel David Dixon in the SG-1 episode Heroes (awesome episode by the way) whom we ofcourse know better as Jayne in Firefly. :)


Objects may be closer than they appear


What ship is this?
Staff member
My buddies The Vapor Brothers protected me! :D


I think I was protected because when I saw the film I was in the hospital for sinus surgery and hence had various drugs in my system. Otherwise the sheer stupidity of the plot, the idiotic dialogue and inverted characters (the antagonist is the one who is making smart decisions and the heroes are dumb as rocks) could have caused trauma.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

I think I was protected because when I saw the film I was in the hospital for sinus surgery and hence had various drugs in my system. Otherwise the sheer stupidity of the plot, the idiotic dialogue and inverted characters (the antagonist is the one who is making smart decisions and the heroes are dumb as rocks) could have caused trauma.

I understand. :) When I first saw the movie, I made it up to the part with the plane taking off and flying through the crumbling city and I was done. No Vapor Brothers then. This time, it was like "that is so cool...", but still there was no real seriousness to it.


What ship is this?
Staff member
It gets way stupider. Things like how the Arks have huge stern loading doors that are below the waterline (making them useless once the ark is launched) that prevent engine function unless they are fully closed (making them stupid as well as useless). I have to assume the designers were high when they did the blueprints.

Or having Africa magically raised and not flooded, thus nullifying the reason for the arks in the first place. Or having the only person making reasoned and logical points and decisions being Anheuser (who the film positions as sort of the villain) while our hero and heroine basically act like nincompoops the whole movie, and had people listened to them all the time no one would have survived.