80% of Pre-Packaged Foods in America Are Banned in Other Countries

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member

If you or your kids enjoy pre-packaged convenience foods commonly found in grocery stores across the U.S. such as Froot Loops, Swanson dinners, Mountain Dew, and frozen potato and bread products, you may think twice before purchasing them after hearing what they contain: dangerous chemicals that other countries around the globe have deemed toxic to the point that they're illegal, and companies are fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for including them in food products.

Gotta love how this country is so easily bought by the lobbyists and big corporations.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Gotta love how this country is so easily bought by the lobbyists and big corporations.

Just WOW. Damn......
--- merged: Jun 24, 2013 at 2:23 PM ---
This is why I have to be picky about what I eat and even what I put on it when I eat! Thankfully, a nutrition conscious person would never eat froot loops or drink Mountain Dew on a regular basis. I sure enjoyed them in the past though...I wonder if the effect is permanent? :(


My avatar speaks for itself.
To be honest, I didn't know just how far it went. It's way worse than I thought.
you see i has dem edumacations in da subject, shame on you muscles!

im also UBERPISSY about YOUR lobbyists bending the EU over and forcing GMO up our asses and into our throats!
--- merged: Jun 24, 2013 at 4:04 PM ---
lets drink some Roundup while we are at it :D


Earl Grey
They didn't provide the whole list :confused:A bit over the top too.

Really though, this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. Many preservatives have been questioned for their safety. Take for example, potassium benzoate, which has used in softdrinks and can produce benzene molecules. We all know what benzene is,right?


Objects may be closer than they appear
Screw you guys, I love Froot loops! :P :chargrined:


Well Known GateFan
