10 Actual Mistakes that Syfy Has Made Over the Years

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member


What ship is this?
Staff member
Not a bad list. It kind of shows a fundamental issue with SyFy, namely that their programming moves have robbed the channel of any real sort of identity. I would add some errors to the list:

- Greenlighting SGU for 2 seasons in advance. It removed any real need for the show to be responsive to audience desires.

- Greenlighting SGU period once they knew the plan was to make it a soap. But this goes back to a basic misunderstanding of their fan base. SciFi fans tend not to want soapiness in their shows. And soap fans tend not to really like SciFi.

- Letting the BSG writers make it into a soap opera and not forcing them to stick to a show "bible".

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Not a bad list. It kind of shows a fundamental issue with SyFy, namely that their programming moves have robbed the channel of any real sort of identity. I would add some errors to the list:

- Greenlighting SGU for 2 seasons in advance. It removed any real need for the show to be responsive to audience desires.

- Greenlighting SGU period once they knew the plan was to make it a soap. But this goes back to a basic misunderstanding of their fan base. SciFi fans tend not to want soapiness in their shows. And soap fans tend not to really like SciFi.

- Letting the BSG writers make it into a soap opera and not forcing them to stick to a show "bible".

Very good points. I especially agree with the BSG one. They also removed the one thing I wished they kept of the original, the ancient Egyptian influence to the mythology that showed some possible distant connection to Earth. Instead, they went the Dick Tracy route. :(


Objects may be closer than they appear
SyFy messed up? Bah!

You viewers just need to learn to enjoy what they feed you. :fat:


Objects may be closer than they appear
Even your avatar looks like it's had enough of whatever it was being fed.

Why yes, I’ve reached my saturation point. But at least I’m puking rainbows dammit. Imagine Greater... :cool:


Well Known GateFan
Not a bad list. It kind of shows a fundamental issue with SyFy, namely that their programming moves have robbed the channel of any real sort of identity. I would add some errors to the list:

- Greenlighting SGU for 2 seasons in advance. It removed any real need for the show to be responsive to audience desires.

- Greenlighting SGU period once they knew the plan was to make it a soap. But this goes back to a basic misunderstanding of their fan base. SciFi fans tend not to want soapiness in their shows. And soap fans tend not to really like SciFi.

- Letting the BSG writers make it into a soap opera and not forcing them to stick to a show "bible".

Wurd! :chuncky:

I'd add the whole Ghost Hunters programming crapola they've devolved into is worthy of note.